It seems that Rick Santorum has found time in his busy schedule of condemning "radical" women for working outside the home and using birth control, and nagging English-speaking Puerto Ricans to speak English, and now is turning his hot, penetrating gaze to manfolk-bizness.
The phrasing "hardcore (obscene) pornography" is amusing. Like there's hardcore that isn't? Or porn that isn't both hardcore and obscene?
Just how much study has Li'l Ricky given all this?
But will he save America from the devil music of jazz and rock-and-roll? Bring back Blue Law's that keep people out of malls on Sundays and force them back into churches? What about the scourge of profanity and naked women in movies?
I really think so...
Communist porn? So, lots of "sharing of resources" I am guessing you mean massive group sex, or bukkake?
Also that would be <i>on</i> the communists.
Fell Into Rick&#039;s Trap #4: SANTORUM&#039;S NAUGHTY HOLE
Worst. Porno. Ever
Maybe this has already happened, and is the main reason behind Rick&#039;s sudden Anti-Porn movement? To prevent the video from being distributed.
Then, it was flappers.
Now, it will be fappers.
And bootleg lickher.
No, no -- you sit on yer hand until it loses feeling, and then it&#039;s called &quot;The Stranger.&quot;
HahaHA! My porn&#039;s already coverd in santorum!
Specifics are liberal.
Each to his own, but wouldn&#039;t your porn be in your other hand?
Unless you use an overlapping golf grip.
That&#039;s all Andrew Breitbart has now.
The phrasing &quot;hardcore (obscene) pornography&quot; is amusing. Like there&#039;s hardcore that isn&#039;t? Or porn that isn&#039;t both hardcore and obscene?
Just how much study has Li&#039;l Ricky given all this?
Meanwhile, today we are all turning Japanese.
Perhaps for the last time...
And Hustler responds in 3...2...
But will he save America from the devil music of jazz and rock-and-roll? Bring back Blue Law&#039;s that keep people out of malls on Sundays and force them back into churches? What about the scourge of profanity and naked women in movies?
Out of my cold, sticky hands.