My favorite joke: "Donald Trump owns the Miss USA pageant, which is great for Republicans because it will streamline their search for vice president."
GOP fuckwads think the majority approves of this shit. The're setting themselves up for an electoral holocaust in 2012 (which is a good thing, as holocausts go.)
Santorum's going to be really embarrassed when Jesus comes back and informs him that life begins after the 20th week of pregnancy when brain activity begins.
"The Lord hath given thou a brain which apparently never developed," the Lord will say.
Remember how well that stunt worked out for Gov. Dukakis?
My favorite joke: "Donald Trump owns the Miss USA pageant, which is great for Republicans because it will streamline their search for vice president."
Only if his spouse thinks its ok.
(Same as my position on Terry Shiavo.)
If history teaches us anything, it's that Christians LOVE Africans.
Firing federal workers creates jobs because of Jesus and 9/11.
Downfister Dimbulb is active early on a Saturday. Dumbfuck really has no life, eh?
GOP fuckwads think the majority approves of this shit. The're setting themselves up for an electoral holocaust in 2012 (which is a good thing, as holocausts go.)
I know, right? I cried less at my father's funeral. It looks like her brother is doing a face-palm though
"The Lord hath given thou a brain which apparently never developed." Does that mean it's OK to abort Santorum, like, now?
Fascist America-Hating troll is busy today.
"I miss that sucker."
Probably because you're not as accurate a pistolaro as he is. I can promise...he won't miss you.
Santorum's going to be really embarrassed when Jesus comes back and informs him that life begins after the 20th week of pregnancy when brain activity begins.
"The Lord hath given thou a brain which apparently never developed," the Lord will say.
Is it 'cause The Donald is getting all the attention? Repubes seem to be in a "can you top this?" crazy talk contest.
We have nobody in Washington that sits back and says you’re not going to stop that fucking fetus from being born.
The people they execute on Death Row come from historically places where there are lots of minorities. So it all evens out.
90% of all Planned Parenthood activities involve killing minorities, and that is not intended to be a factual statement.