President Pope Penis-head would seem to be a job title he could pull off. Anybody looking for one of those?

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Very true. But there are 10 year old kids smarter than Sancto Torum.

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"Overpopulation" just means "brown peoples having too many kids". It's a racist meme which lets the declining-birth-rate West off the hook.

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I don't doubt you. Still pretty stupid for frothy to attack the Pope for any reason. Probably does bother the RWNJs but moderates have to think he's wrong.

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I love how your geeky fangurlism floats up from the depths every so often. That I know what you are talking about most of the time, not sure what that says about me...

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See, this is why i read Wonkette, for the open scientific discourse.

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Population growth is a byproduct of patriarchy where men demand/force their wives to have more children at least until a boy is born.

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Quitting the church sounds like kind of Tudory suggestion, coming from a Plantagenet.

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Nothing, right? Nothing outside of being an attorney and presidential caAAAaahahaha! Sorry, can't say it with a straight face.

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One must move with the times.

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Wasn't expecting that...

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I thought the best part is when Santorum is trying to explain how politicians often have to talk about things they don't understand, so that is okay, but the Pope who might actually understand how to look at data has no right to talk about data and what it means. It is a regular mobius strip of logic.


Also Rick, good lawyers and politicians have the intelligence to consult an expert to make sense of topics they don't really understand. Although nowadays it seems more like politicians just check with their campaign director and pollsters instead of experts on the subject at hand.

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Probably, but I bet it smells really bad.

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Hey... Ricky... I am a scientist and I have lots of friends... and you are still a frothy POS.

The following page lists the nearly 200 worldwide scientific organizations that hold the position that climate change has been caused by human action.http://opr.ca.gov/s_listofo...

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John 23 was a good 'un. But I was just a Catholic kid back then.

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