Rick Santorum: Stop Imposing Your Values On Me While I Am Imposing My Values On These Ladies And Their Slut Pills
Your browser does not support the video tag.Ohaithere, Rick Santorum! Now that you've made a movie about magic candles that help Christians get pregnant, what else is in your quiver? How about the Constitution's guarantee of the freedom to be free of others imposing their values on you while you are imposing your values on others? Yes, that is a good freedom!
So now that the SCOTUS has agreed to hear the Hobby Lobby case, the unelectable fetus fondler went on CNN to explain that Obamacare violates business owners' rights to freely exercise their religion, since they won't have the option to not cover birth control:
“I mean, the idea that the First Amendment stops after you walk out of church, that it doesn’t have anything to do with how you live the rest of your life, I don’t know very many people of faith that believes that their religion ends with just worship,” Santorum explained. “It ends in how you practice and live that faith.”
After all, Hobby Lobby is very clear about the fact that it is a Christian business, and if Christian businesses can't use health insurance to clarify to employees what God thinks about the way they fuck, then the First Amendment is dead.
“And President Obama is saying, ‘No, once you step outside that church, I get to impose my values on you, your religious values don’t matter anymore, it’s my values that I can impose on you,’” the Pennsylvania Republican continued. “I don’t think that’s what the First Amendment stands for. And I don’t think that’s what the court will say.”
This only makes sense. We are sure that Mr. Santorum would also support an exception where for-profit companies owned by Jehovah's Witnesses won't have to buy insurance that covers blood transfusions, and for-profit companies owned by Christian Scientists won't have to cover anything but a trip to a Reading Room.
In the same interview, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean pointed out that Americans who have moral objections to war still have to pay taxes, and that "free exercise" of religious beliefs does not generally include the right to impose your moral beliefs on other people. This is because he hates God, probably.
Still, we're sort of curious to see how far Senator Frothy would be willing to take this "free exercise" claim -- perhaps hardline Protestants shouldn't be forced to hire Catholics, since that would violate their sincere objections to the Romish church?
[ RawStory ]
I know - have you seen what a gym membership costs these days?
But that's not Real Christianity (TM), so it doesn't count/doesn't "really" exist/is the work of SATAN!