You got frothy mixture in my senator!

You got Senator in my frothy mixture!

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That's technically an 'ass loogie', prommie. They're usually more fully formed than Santorum ooze.

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At least they didn't name you after the ass loogies people poop out their anuses after a good hard round of buttsexing, Rick. Those things are oftentimes unceremoniously flushed down the commode. What?.....I'm trying to cheer you up, Rick.

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"And if people talked about Joe McCarthy the way they talked about...No, wait...If people talked badly about Jesse Jackson...Uh...I LOVE JEEBUS!!!"

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They're like the Addams Family, only less sympathetic.

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Yeah, no one would ever put up a website that ridiculed the first African-American president.

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Honey...have you seen our daughter's pet gerbil.

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I actually think it's rude to mock people's names. WWAMCD -- What Would Anna Marie <strong>Cox</strong> Do? True story: When I was in high school, um last week, some jock-type called me "Pixelz the Lixelz". So you see what I mean.

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The New York Magazine story headline: "Rick Santorum Has Come to Terms With His Google Problem."

Apparently he hasn't.

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I have to question the man's power of reasoning. If elements of the population had attached an unpleasant meaning to my name, the last thing I would do is demand a public apology so that EVERYONE knew about this meaning.

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Wait, Glenn Beck already told everyone not to use Google. Rick Santorum obviously has been, or else he wouldn't know about the meme.

Why does Rick Santorum hate Glenn Beck?

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I demand a certificate showing that Santorum is NOT a byproduct of anal sex!

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<i> I don’t know of anybody on the left who came to my defense for the incivility with respect to those things</i> And making Rick Santorum feel all better became our job, when exactly? I don't remember that assignment. Once a winner but always a whiner.

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