#F uckYouRickScott.




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Not to mention the news of finding "crates and crates" of provisional ballots yet to be counted in precincts where the GOP has a vote count advantage. Don't want to actually count the real vote if it doesn't go your way do you...

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Every top flight lawyer is well aware of three things about Donald Trump, all discouraging. He doesn't listen to advice. He doesn't keep his mouth shut. And he doesn't pay you.

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He really does. And while that character is fiction, he created a great myth figure in Clinton Tyree, the one and only brave, honourable governor Florida ever had, who took a stand against corruption only to find that the "good ole boys" of his state were solidly united against him, the fix was in (especially since he indicted a dude who tried to bribe him, a clear sign that Clinton Tyree was a deranged menace) and from that point on they blocked everything Tyree tried to do. Poor guy finished his life as a feral living phantom haunting the Everglades like the man in the Brothers Four song.Sometimes fantasy and myth is truer than fact.

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The only thing in bullshit Hollywood and TV imitations of real science fiction better than "She's the ship that made the Kessel run in 11 parsecs," was (Battlestar Galactica) "They're orbiting the planet at three microns." And by the way. I like "Airborne Space Force Tacos."

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As humorous bastardizations of his name go, that's pretty good.

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Well, if anyone knows fraud, it's Ick Snot

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They do not believe in governing. They only believe in wealth and power.

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That one's kinda hairy. And what's the gray thing on its right shoulder?

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Sure, sure! Let's just take it to the Supreme Court, and let them vote there. That's fair, right?

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Did you look in the fetish section, lol?

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"the last thing our already dangerously divided nation needs is an important election 1/2 our people believe was rigged by the other 1/2."

Knock knock, motherfucker. The 2000, 2004, and 2016 presidential elections are lined up at your door to have a word with you.

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Rule 34 states that if it exist there is porn of it. .gif porn of Wendy's pasties does exist.

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I don't know that one, I know most of the "in jokes" but not that one.

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Especially if they did a jury pool type for picking interested and motivated workers.

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