if the harry potter stories didn't exist we would have to invent them for the class of 2010.

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also: my ipod just chose 'i wanna be sedated'.

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That is such a bad idea. Our phones would never stop ringing.

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"Ethics? I have an accountant who takes care of that."

No, Rick, that's not how it works.

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"We oughta run our schools like a business!"

Of course! Like an assembly line factory turning out little widgets all of exactly the same type! It can't fail!

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"I love having intelligent neighbors; how much you got down there?"

[4 seconds of silence, then *click*.]

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You mean Dick Perry, Dick Scott, Dick Snyder, Dick Santorum, Dick Cheney, etc.

Goes all the way back to Dick Nixon. They're all dicks, aren't they?

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"Lemme show you how the trickle-down theory works in practice."

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God sent 'em plague after plague, and they didn't get the message, so now it's my turf ... my job is to screw those who screw themselves.

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You mean like the Feds seize his ill-gotten gains (i.e., everything he owns), then he gets a Florida jury trial so he walks, then he becomes a vagrant wild man living in the swamps? Hiaasen might dream up something like that, maybe.

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Assets (Income + graft \+\ payoffs \+\ bribes) = Liabilties (debts \+\ favors \+\ handouts \+\ jobs)

The math works out, so it's ethical.

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True, that. The highest point in the state is actually a phosphate mining waste heap.

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1. Thou shalt not get caught. 2. It shalt not matter if thou dost.

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Electronic voting has fantastic potential -- imagine if it takes at least an 80 IQ to figure out how to cast a vote!

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