Where'd you get that?

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There were a few of them at my High School in NM, too.

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I'd go.

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No, Miracle Whip is forbidden.

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WHY do you continue to slander Edgar Parker the Bat Boy by showing his picture next to some asshole alleged senator? You know who else tried to slander Edgar? His evil serial-killer-stepfather!

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Twain said it ruins a good walk. But he never played mini-golf.

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I’m sorry...does your brain hurt?

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Voter turnout in 2020, without a doubt the most consequential election of my life and I’m an Old, was 67%. Which could mean that 1/3 of our country is too fucking STUPID to realize their votes actually matter. But realistically I bet a lot of those people who skipped are from states which it really didn’t matter, voters of either party whose state was solidly in one camp, and so who figured what was the point? This is where a national popular vote would encourage participation, because your vote for Candidate A could actually counter some redneck’s vote in a deep red state for Candidate B. But that ain’t never gonna happen.

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Now that’s just unfair. Give the GOP some credit; power is also totally a uniting force for them.

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If “shriveled, blackened and festering” meets their requirements, then yes he can serve.

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It’s an excuse to drive a golf cart and drink beer and smoke cigars. At least that’s always how I’ve played it.

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On a serious note (and I am almost never serious on this forum) a huge number of the insurrectionist idiots on 1/6 did not vote. At all.

If you don't vote, we run the risk of those people wresting control of the country by force. The Force is Stupidity.

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True fact. For the 2020 Platform, the RNC just used the 2016 Platform. They didn't alter so much as a comma. Big bunch o' original thinkers in that group.

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Plus, he's too lazy to do any significant amount of work to get a 3rd party off the ground.Scratch that.Not a significant amount.Not any work.

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You'd think a creature who can't travel over bodies of water would avoid living in a place that's surrounded on 3 sides by it.

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National popular vote could happen if everyone in the states where it's close to passing would get out and make noise about it, call their state legislators, whatever it takes. In the states where it's passed, there has been bipartisan support. With all we've been through, this should be the opportune moment to get it done.


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