It's a leftover from the 60's and 70's, when these shows were actually about the news and the reaction of politicians to it and moderated by people who were not slovenly courtiers.

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Because Tim Russert was the man. None of the assholes could survive spewing bullshit unchallenged on Meet the Press when he was still alive.

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No he doesn't. He dreams of this, but the truth is he passes out drunk on the floor next to a busted wire-mesh lawn chair with a finger up his nose and a half-drunk tallboy of natty ice leaning on his gut, waking up just enough to sniff his own farts before lazing back to dreamworld, where he definitely does NOT have cheese whizz stuck in his face pubes.

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KUDLOW: Look, I'm as good as the facts are.

Well, the facts indicate that he's a schmuck. So .... yeah.

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They were, in the early days, believe it or not, pretty good, but that was because in the early days of television a lot of the players were actual, real, human reporters, many of whom had been war correspondents. It was in the 1980s and 1990s, when the whole dark money, Heritage Foundation, think tank, talk radio, agitprop push accelerated to warp speed that the Sunday shows began to be consumed by the same thing that was consuming the nightly newscasts and the daily headlines.

There's nothing in this culture that still works as it was designed to work, and often did work, before the rise of the Powell Memorandum/Koch Industries/Rupert Murdoch GOP. We still have the shadowy forms, but we no longer have the core reality or energy.

You cannot overestimate the impact on the American press of this massive, billionaire-funded drive to take down the institutions of a democratic society, including a free press.

So you get the nightly newscasts, which have a shape similar to the days of Cronkite and Chancellor and Brinkley---Norah O'Donnell sits at a desk and reads what purports to be a newscast---but which are more or less informercials for the dark money corporate interests that own the nightly news.

And you get the Sunday shows, whose decades'-old reputation for seriousness and relevance has been coopted to make them into pretty much the same---infomercials for the ruling class. Tax cuts are good. We can't afford Social Security. Say What You Will About Donald, He Is The King Of Optics. Did Nancy Pelosi Go Too Far? Why Aren't The Democrats Being More Bipartisan? Mitch McConnell Is A Parliamentary Genius.

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and half-melted wax figure

An apt description of Trump and nearly everyone in his administration.

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Agreed. There was a time when political journalism only occurred on this show or MAYBE from a syndicated DC-based national columnist in your paper once a week.

These days every Tom, Dick and Bret Stephens thinks he is qualified to pass off his putting-green musings as important national scrutiny that needs to be shared with the piddling masses.

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Um, not really. If you recall one of the great recent tragedies of this century caused by republicans, specifically during the dick cheney administration. Russert fellated richard cheney many times before, during and after the supposed 'shock and awe' of the iraqi clusterfuck where false info of yellowcake uranium and WMD's were the fear triggers thrown around to rouse the lobotomized republican voter base.

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You mean the Iraq war where everyone was wrong and the whole country turned to jingoism? Yep that negates everything else about Russert's career.

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'We'd like to book that doctor on the show Sunday. No, not Dr Fauci, the one who DOESN'T know shit. Yeah, her. Can we set that up?'

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I'm impressed you still have any left.

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Sentences to be served consecutively.

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Apparently they never studied history. A few still-living Germans could tell therm how well that works.

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