These maroons continue to show up in your "most popular" list, which is nice because I am occasionally reminded to check on how they're doing. Two weeks ago the mister posted a video complaining they have to learn enough Russian to pass a language test and it's TOO HARD, because they decided to move to a non-English speaking country without learning the language first or - apparently - bothering to find out what the requirements would be to stay longer than the 90 days on their initial visitor visa.
There's been nothing posted since to their youtube channel. They're either too busy learning Russian to make videos or they've already left Russia and are trying to figure out how to make this look like it's not just a clusterfuck of their own creation.
I hope they left Russia. Those kid's lives as Russian citizens versus Canadians is a very tragic difference. Not that I think Russian kids should lives those lives either, but that is much harder than having your nutball parents drag you there.
Can we just call "Traditonal conservatives" tradcons for now on? Although I'm not exactly sure who/what a "tradcon" is. Open to ideas. Do tradcons marry tradwives? Do they produce tradkids? What about tradpets?
That's exactly what I came here to non-comment. Wow, trainwreck! And also, those poor kids. Yikes. Or should I say Ikovichsky. (Don't look at me, I don't know Russian.)
The bozo put up a video showing how wonderfully well-stocked the local shopping center is. In fact, there's only one thing they don't have: shoppers. The place is a frickin' ghost town:
To this goober, however, it's a clear sign that the economy is booming - and with rubles now costing about a penny apiece, he probably will live pretty well, for as long as his money lasts. His eight kids are a hint about how that's going to go. (The ninth is draft age, and wisely said "no fucking way", or however they say it in Canada.)
Off duty today for avmedical procedure involving my colon and a scopy. I have fasted for 24 hours. They say the procedure is pretty quick. My first action after I leave Dr. Scopy is breakfast tacos.
Can't wait for when the invevitable Dateline episode drops.
I can even hear the voiceover "Annera Fenstra suggested they might want to learn Russian before their move but her husband told her not to worry. God would provide!"
I will second that emotion. PLEASE! I just heard on the radio noise machine that the Conswervathons are polling at like 40%? Methinks the Memory Hole has fully swallowed the evil deeds of Stephen Harpoon the PREVIOUS watery-eyed traitor.
Holy MOLY. Cannot stand JT but he's a damn sight better than the PC ratf#¢kers!
Why can't Canada produce decent politicians it will VOTE for?!?
Yeah, fuckin' shame
These maroons continue to show up in your "most popular" list, which is nice because I am occasionally reminded to check on how they're doing. Two weeks ago the mister posted a video complaining they have to learn enough Russian to pass a language test and it's TOO HARD, because they decided to move to a non-English speaking country without learning the language first or - apparently - bothering to find out what the requirements would be to stay longer than the 90 days on their initial visitor visa.
There's been nothing posted since to their youtube channel. They're either too busy learning Russian to make videos or they've already left Russia and are trying to figure out how to make this look like it's not just a clusterfuck of their own creation.
I hope they left Russia. Those kid's lives as Russian citizens versus Canadians is a very tragic difference. Not that I think Russian kids should lives those lives either, but that is much harder than having your nutball parents drag you there.
Or they got gulag-ed for complaining too much.
Woops! How did I get here?
Came for the article, stayed for the comments.
Can we just call "Traditonal conservatives" tradcons for now on? Although I'm not exactly sure who/what a "tradcon" is. Open to ideas. Do tradcons marry tradwives? Do they produce tradkids? What about tradpets?
As long as you spell it "asshat" I'm good with it.
I think tradcons is euphemism for chrinats...
Read it for the schadenfreude, think about it for the sake of those poor kids.
10-4 Good Buddy. It's the kids who will suffer from parental lunacy.
It's a bit like the opening minutes of Forensic Files. When the naive individuals decide to do something so dangerous.
That's exactly what I came here to non-comment. Wow, trainwreck! And also, those poor kids. Yikes. Or should I say Ikovichsky. (Don't look at me, I don't know Russian.)
The bozo put up a video showing how wonderfully well-stocked the local shopping center is. In fact, there's only one thing they don't have: shoppers. The place is a frickin' ghost town:
To this goober, however, it's a clear sign that the economy is booming - and with rubles now costing about a penny apiece, he probably will live pretty well, for as long as his money lasts. His eight kids are a hint about how that's going to go. (The ninth is draft age, and wisely said "no fucking way", or however they say it in Canada.)
Ya, just about like that.....or Jamais de la vie (in polite French)
Any day now, they will hand Arend a rifle, (that may or may not work), and ship his sorry ass to Ukraine.
Any day now, they will hand Arend a rifle, (that may or may not work), and ship his sorry ass to Ukraine.
Off duty today for avmedical procedure involving my colon and a scopy. I have fasted for 24 hours. They say the procedure is pretty quick. My first action after I leave Dr. Scopy is breakfast tacos.
good luck, man.
Those poor children.
Can't wait for when the invevitable Dateline episode drops.
I can even hear the voiceover "Annera Fenstra suggested they might want to learn Russian before their move but her husband told her not to worry. God would provide!"
I really wouldn't mind seeing a large increase in far right Canadians packing up and moving to Russia.
I will second that emotion. PLEASE! I just heard on the radio noise machine that the Conswervathons are polling at like 40%? Methinks the Memory Hole has fully swallowed the evil deeds of Stephen Harpoon the PREVIOUS watery-eyed traitor.
Holy MOLY. Cannot stand JT but he's a damn sight better than the PC ratf#¢kers!
Why can't Canada produce decent politicians it will VOTE for?!?
As long as my ex-husband is one of them.
You get what you pay for…..
They could have saved a lot of money by just moving to Westlock instead.
I haven't scrolled down yet so I risk redundancy, but re the Feenstras - Are potatos'