Right-Wing Incels Lose Their Shit Over 'Unmarried Concubine' Nancy Mace
Nancy Mace talked about banging her fiancé and a bunch of weirdos are real het about it.
Republicans have always been weird about sex — more specifically, anyone other than heterosexual men having it. And now that the incels and the other internet misogynists have joined forces with the traditional religious misogynists, it’s somehow gotten even worse. It’s just a big ol giant Voltron of fury over the idea of women having sex outside of marriage with men who are not them.
This week, South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace gave a deeply awkward speech at Tim Scott’s Prayer Breakfast in which she announced that she turned down morning sex with her fiancé in order to get there on time, because of how very, very jazzed she was to get to Tim Scott’s Prayer Breakfast. Truly, the event of the season.
"I woke up this morning at 7,” she told the audience. “Patrick, my fiancè, tried to pull me by my waist over this morning in bed and I was like, 'No baby, we don't got time for that this morning. I gotta get to the prayer breakfast, and I gotta be on time."
“A little TMI, but he can wait,” she added. “I’ll see him later tonight,”
So yes. Breaking news, 45-year-old twice-married, currently engaged Nancy Mace fucks. Was the confession a little out-of-nowhere? Sure. We can all make jokes about that kind of shit. But the Right, her target audience, completely lost it for a different reason — because she should not have been having premarital sex.
Keep in mind these are the same people who worship Andrew Tate and Donald Trump. The difference here was that Nancy Mace is a woman and, we can assume, only has consensual sex with her fiancé.
Let’s get some quotes, shall we?
“Premarital sex is a sin Nancy Mace. All sinners burn in the lake of fire. Thanks for telling everyone you're just another fake Christian.” — Twitter Rando
“That’s some hoe talk.” — Lavern Spicer
“She was inches away from taking applications for a threesome. …She was like, ‘Oh, by the way, if you want to join us tonight, 7 PM.’” — Charlie Kirk
“Let me get this straight - Nancy Mace is engaged to someone (so she's unmarried) & she's living with the guy (I'm assuming, since she woke up in his bed - I could be wrong) and she said ‘no to sex this morning’ because she had to speak at a prayer breakfast? Mmmmmkay.” — Twitter Rando
“Here's your daily reminder that Nancy Mace is trash.” — Conservative “comedian” Tim Young (we’ve never heard of him either)
“Nancy Mace is apparently clueless that fornication is a sin. She also has a very foul mouth. The worst part is that she has no sense of shame about these vices, and no class. Not a great reflection on the people, whoever they are, who voted her into office in South Carolina.” — Twitter Rando
Unmarried concubine invited to speak at a prayer breakfast. Now I’ll get bombarded by her white knight defenders telling me I need to remove the log from my eye. — Twitter Rando
“This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth, And says, ‘I have done no wickedness.’” — Twitter Rando
Wait, so now women can’t eat without being adulterous and wicked? Is that a thing? Is she eating people?
Conservatives were also quite het up about Sean Hannity, of all people, supposedly condoning Mace’s “fornication,” whining that Fox was “mocking their values” or whatever.
A Twitter user who goes by SmashBaals (really?) wrote, “Last night Hannity had Nancy Mace on his show and addressed the prayer breakfast. Hannity said, ‘I thought that was pretty funny at a prayer breakfast. Good for you…’ These people mock the Christian values of the people they represent They hate your Christian values and you.”
Michael Schwarz at the right-wing wackadoo publication The Western Journal wrote a whole op-ed criticizing Hannity for not taking Mace to task over her fornication, which started “Fox News cannot stop insulting its traditional viewers.”
You know, I don’t really want to go to bat for Sean Hannity of all people, but how is not sharing those “traditional values” in that respect insulting or mocking anyone? How does that work? I mean, I will absolutely insult and mock their “traditional values,” directly, and so will many others. Because their “traditional values” are ignorant and grotesque and usually code for sexism, homophobia or transphobia. No one ever talks about “traditional values” when it does not relate in some way to subjugating people. But how do they also feel “insulted and mocked” when people simply publicly disagree with them or don’t share those values? Beyond anything else, it just sounds exhausting. No wonder they’re not DTF.
You know, I must be a really bad feminist, because I can condemn these fucks for their sexism, but I have NO sympathy for whatever Mace is going through. She knows who butters her bread and she knows they're theocratic sexists and she knows she's already skating on thin ice being twice divorced. You go to a theocratic sky-patriarch jamboree and you want to loosen the crowd up with stories about how fuckable you are?
Honey, the crowd doesn't want to be loosened up. Their whole identity is being the tightest-ass tight-asses at the Nellie "Prig" Upstick Country Club's Annual Tight-Ass Contest and Public Anti-Homo Flagellation Hoedown.
I can condemn the people pissing on you, but I won't lift a finger to bring you a towel.
The GOP is officially the party of incels and repressed weirdos. Don’t like sex outside of the bounds of marriage? Ok, weird flex, but don’t have any. We all don’t have your bizarre hang-ups, goobers.