NPR has been walking a fence for a while now, trying to preserve Congressional funding. It was not a good decision; they are constantly looking over their shoulder and it shows in their journalism.

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alla this, steelhips and kermit....but there's something more, i've been mulling this over for decades--why isnt the left capable of playing hardball?

i've decided it's because the progressive/liberal/left is generally more social, empathetic, compassionate and humane, concerned with doing the most good for the most people, esp the weakest among us, and it is against our basic nature to fight dirty v. other humans when there is no imminent threat to our health and safety...and sometimes, we're just flat out pollyanna pussies and cant believe that others are as malevolent as they are

short version>> we are the 'social-ists'...the right wing are the 'self-ists'--every man for hisself, i got mine and fuck you

but there are imminent threats to our health and welfare now like never before...these hateful fear-mongering pricks smell blood and their teeth are bared, and they have no rules or boundaries--and if we dont play dirty and fight now, we're done...we have to shake off our normal rules of 'civility' and adopt the mindset that these evil bastards are not deserving of our empathy or compassion--imean, look what they've done to us (esp the least of us) and our world--it's time to motivate ourselves and any politicians who so much as lean our way, to fight these dirty fuckers and marginalise them once and for all

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I really can't wrap my head around Megyn Kelly and Greta Van Sustern being hired by NBC. I recently found out Lester Holt was also a Republican, so fuck him too.

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Biggest pack of bullshit ever

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Left wing fight dirtier than the right

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You do not have military engineers.

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The inauguration will be fantastic.

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You mean your a bunch of commos

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yeah, but at least we're a bunch of commos that can construct a coherent sentence with proper spelling, and proper placement and usage of contractions and possessive adjectives

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I think many liberals are presently torn between wanting the idiots who voted for Trump to find out just how bad their life will get under his rule versus not wanting innocent (albeit misguided) people to die or become destitute over the next 4 years (and the following 8 years it will take to clean up Trump's mess).

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Well-said: that's exactly what's keeping me up at night.

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What an imbecile you are. Use proper grammar, dumb dumb.

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You wish you looked like Eastern block "lady of the evening" Melanoma, don't you? Hahaha!

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And be a traitor like you? No thanks. MAGA.

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Nyet to me what?

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