The idea that Liberals don’t have guns is fucking ridiculous. We just tend to not pose with them in family portraits, hump them in public, or scream that guns are more important than children’s lives.

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Not unlike when truly wealthy people incessantly talk about their money, eh?

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This lib has a lot of guns, many of which are quite modern. (Of the rest, some are just old, some are modern reproductions of very old guns.) I'm probably not the shot I was fresh out of boot camp and in my 20s, but I can hit the broad side of a barn without being inside it.

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Liberals are trying to exert the force of the Constitution to keep sedition and insurrection from becoming how we decide elections, which is unfair...somehow? I'm trying to follow the reasoning, but the dumbfuck store didn't have a tinfoil hat in my size.

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Most likely scenario, Michael Knowles and other Republicans are just covering their asses, while doing what they are accusing their political enemies of doing. The usual projection.

They're likely working in secret to keep Tr*mp off the ballot, and spinning up the wackaloons to think Antifa/liberals/The Left/Democrats are the ones doing it.

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I am more than happy to share the blame for keeping Trump off the ballot if it actually happens. Besides, even if the Right came out and said "we met and decided Trump just wasn't a good fit for 2024, let's see about 2028, m'kay?" Trump's followers would STILL blame the Left.

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Perhaps we can encourage the private prison industry to get excited about locking up actual MAGAT criminals instead of marijuana smokers?

haha JK we know those private prison phuckers are all Trumpy tools.

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And of course none of this even touches on the fact that the whole premise they're pontificating on is wrong at its core -- T***P isn't being /persecuted/ because he's The Opposition, he's being /prosecuted/ because /he committed fucking crimes/! Trying running someone that's not under indictment and I'll bet they won't get locked up! Trying running someone who /didn't/ lead an insurrection against the state and nobody's gonna be talking about using the 14th amendment to keep them off the ballot.

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Why is he dressed like a pimp from Des Moines?

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in that screengrab it looks like he's missing an arm too---Huckabee gonna get ya!

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Hmmm. Sounds like they're afraid we'll turn into Russia except right-wingers think Russia is awesome.

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God forbid Republicans just nominate someone who isn't under indictment.

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“We briefly considered going with a slightly less insane person but we don’t want to alienate our base”

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I have invested a lot of time and energy in that crook, I mean, Savior From God, and I will not back down. /republicans deep in their hearts

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That is some crazy talk right there! Its not like there are not, what, 7 or 8 at least not indicted Republicans running right now.

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liberals may dislike guns & not own any, but loooooots of leftists have guns. bullets too. we don't feel the need to take our guns to Target or wherever with us, because we aren't threatened by the world like trumpanzees and right wingers in general, so it's assumed we don't have em. we do. we just don't flaunt them, and we don't shoot up schools or malls or nightclubs.

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I don’t want to discount the possibility of another Timothy McVey or two among the MAGA ranks, but almost all these “water the tree of liberty” types aren’t interested in using their own patriot blood to do so. Even if Democrats managed to keep Republicans off the ballot entirely and blatantly set up sham elections, these armchair warriors would still be posting on social media that the Democrats are going to push them too far one day.

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In Michigan, when the militia dumbasses got arrested for planning to kidnap Gov. Whitmer, try her, execute her, blow up a bunch of bridges, and kill any cop who got in their way, their main defense was "the FBI made us do it!! We were totally cool just sitting around, bullshitting with our buds, planning major crimes of a domestic terrorist type, when all of a sudden one of us freaked,

got the FBI involved, and helped us get the weapons we needed. Until then, it was boys will be boys."

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The next time the Republicans win the White House - whenever that may be - we are right and truly fucked. It’s not like they’re going to swing back to normalcy and reason. The old ones that cynically manipulated the masses are getting edged out by younger models and true believers.

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Because some very rich people stand to make a lot of money if our country is well and truly fucked and that's all they care about.

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If there is NO United States, then American dollars will cease to have value. What will be the new international benchmark currency?

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Jimmy Earl gets 10 days PTO from his job in the parts department at the John Deere dealership. He used to get sick days and vacation days that added up to more than 10. At least 15, more if you had seniority. And you could roll it over from one year to the next. Home office took that away years ago. Just another fuckin' Jimmy's had to take. He blames the Democrats. In North Central Alabama.

He's already rented a house in Myrtle Beach for a long weekend. That's four days off there. They lose the deposit if they had to cancel. Then they had tickets to take Meemaw see The Statler Brothers in Branson. No way he was telling MeeMaw she wasn't seeing the Statler Brothers this year. So that's two more days PTO. Then there's Deer hunting . That's another long weekend.

So Jimmy Earl has about 2 days a year he can devote to fighting for the Confederacy. After that somebody needs to be coming up off some money. Them title loan boy's ain't playing. Two days late and you can kiss that Ram truck goodbye. Jimmy Earl needs a check from somebody every damn week. Somebody needs to be paying for some ammo too. That shit ain't cheap.

There ain't going to be no Confederate Army Part Deux. Marge ain't going to pay for it. Trump can't pay his fucking lawyers- he's all on board as long as it's not costing him anything. He's in this to make money. Nobody is paying for this.It ain't gonna hapen.

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The folks at J6 weren't the salt of the earth guy working at the John Deere plant. They were car dealership owners and accountants and other such landed gentry who are only oppressed insofar as they aren't allowed to use racial slurs in polite company or play grab-ass with their secretary anymore. Pam from HR is the new face of tyranny and they won't stand for it, bah Gawd.

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Well, you can be DAMN sure Huckabee and Knowles won't be parting with any of THEIR Geld to finance said 'operation' or be on the front lines leading the charge.......that's for Jimmy Earl and his ilk. THEY get to face 2-5 in Dansbury Federal Prison.......certainly NOT the gentrified elite......NO SIR!!!

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All that MAGA shit, the red hats, the blue flags, the rebel flags, etc., is not free, and you could correctly guess Trump will NOT be paying for it. If Trump is stiffing his lawyers, what do you think the odds are he cares about you?

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

Trump ONLY cares about Trump. If he can't grift off of it, he's walking away. He's a low-level con-man and a pathological liar. But he needs to take dollars from as many suckers as he can find. And there's PAH-lenty of them!

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Now that's a good way to overturn elections I'll say,

Threaten violence if you don't get your way.

Sounds almost poetic actually.

"but it’s a lot more likely that they will end up in prison"

Or dead. And I for one would not shed a tear over that.

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Having raised one, Mike Huckabee knows a thing or two about psychopaths:

"The latest revelation of GOP dog abuse came from Newsweek, which recently reported that former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's son, David Huckabee, lost his job as a Boy Scout camp counselor in 1998, when he was 17, for killing a stray dog by hanging it from a tree. "

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I have guns, and bullets also too, that make said guns go pew pew. However!1!!11, I would prefer not to use them against my fellow countrymen, even if they are idiotic assholes that choose to start a civil war.

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I must apologize to all for my redundant posts, but all I ever think to say these days is "Assholes!"

They are all such cowards. They will all incite but then all cower in their safe-rooms. They fear any idea other than I must kiss the keisters of TFG and all his gun humping followers.

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