Naomi is certainly right about one thing, solar energy has a lot to do with warming the planet. That's where the heat comes from.

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Heartland Institute? GFY. I'll not say the same to Naomi, because I don't bully anyone.

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OK, it was easier working in the greenhouse today without needing a jacket to walk to my car. But this is freaking scary. If the apple trees bloom in Columbia County, NY any time soon, there won't be any fruit this year. Think on that, Naomi.

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When, oh when, are the Naomis of this world going to figure out that some corporate/newsmaking scheme that's gonna send you STRAIGHT TO THE TOP is so easy because nobody else wants to do it because it's stupid.Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

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Naomi's parents and surrogates are abusing her, using her as a prop for bigoted and scientific stupidity, deliberate, to promulgate various and sundry right-wing diphshittery. And she is a bigoted little twit, check out some of her postings.

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Conservative Inc in action.

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Stopping climate change needs systemic change, not lifestyle change.

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Lifestyle changes *are* systemic change when billions of people do it. One of the insidious ways climate denial happens is via learned helplessness - "oh, it don't matter what a handful of people do. Institutions need to effect change, not the little guy" We need to start having the social tolerance for large-scale, potentially difficult changes and it begins with you. People don't like being inconvenienced so we need to learn how to handle it at the micro-level as well as global.

For instance, lets say the federal government followed NYS and banned plastic bags. That means you, the consumer, need to remember to carry reusable bags with you. Otherwise, you end up using paper bags and killing a tree instead of strangling a duck with plastic. Now, how many people do you think are going to be opting for paper since they don't have a bag on them? How many trees are gonna die because people are being forced into a systemic change they aren't personally ready to deal with or can't be bothered to remember? Systemic change is useless without lifestyle changes to back it up since your alternative can be just as bad.

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Why on earth is Naomi not holding an AR-15? They practically sent her out on stage naked.

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Never apologize for being glittery!

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What a crazy fucking time to be alive. In this corner, we have a 17 year old girl who's managed to get millions to follow her as she goes out in public once a week wearing used clothes, with no makeup, no jewelery, no fancy hairdo, nothing. Just a nerdy obsession with an important issue.

Could any of us imagine a thing like that happening in the 80's? You'd think old conservatives would be ecstatic about a cultural shift like that.

Instead, they held auditions and now they're putting forward this 19 year old airhead with this creepy makeover to try to counter her.

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Look, if we spend all that money to revamp our energy infrastructure and all we get out of it is a few trillion saved on treating respiratory illnesses and a few hundred thousand lives per year that otherwise would have died of respiratory illness, and maybe a million fewer children per year killed or neurologically impaired due to environmental mercury, and some gorgeous landscape views restored to regions of the world where such vistas are now consistently obscured by particulates all because we stopped burning coal when it really wasn't necessary to curb radiative forcing effects on climate, that would be bad, not least because we could have built new coal-fired plants for even more money than we spent on our windmills and solar panels and industrial-storage mechanisms.

But what if we went completely nuts and no longer piped petroleum out of the ground, instead investing in technologies that purified sea water for communities currently drinking water tainted with bacteria from lack of rural sewage treatment or with arsenic from acidified aquifers, or just doing without sufficient drinking water altogether ...and then using the mineral-dense leftovers as a source of lithium that can replace environmentally catastrophic mining practices that extract on-shore lithium? What if we did that? Can you imagine the devastation if we sacrificed Exxon's mineral rights leases in the arctic just so that everyone could have clean water and easy access to locally produced energy and the tech industry could reduce its toxic impacts?

Can you imagine if we did all that, and our weather stayed just the same? The HORROR!

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It's always projection with these assholes.

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Funny how the right wing thinks.

"Ooh, they got a cute teen girl talking science. WE should get one of those!"

It's like the scene from "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" where Pappy O'Donnel's political opponent Stokes uses a short person with a broom to emphasize sweeping out the old Pappy, in with the new. Here Pappy's son suggests they get a dwarf, too.


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Technological estoppel.

It should be a thing.

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Libertarianism: The firm conviction in the humanity-liberating maxim, "If it makes me money, it must be factually correct."

-The Devil's More Recent Dictionary, by Crip Dyke

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