How is it possible that it took the #WARBLOGS over an hour to discover the real reason John Roberts made a dookie on the NRO's face, by agreeing that the Heritage Foundation's proposal for health care reform, and one that had been flogged by the GOP as far back as Gingrich's tenure as Emperor of the House, was in fact Constitutional?
Although, it must've been the Time Agents' fault he was able to hear it. So, crafty, but borderline incompetent, whilst simultaneously fearsomely brilliant but also stupid.
Ironically, today&#039;s opinion does actually make it more likely that some states will refuse to participate in the Medicaid expansion that <em>removed</em> an incentive to get pregnant, as it would no longer be the difference between being eligible or not for Medicaid.
<blockquote>Will my kids be okay?</blockquote>
Once they get away from you, their odds will certainly improve. If they come down with MS in the meantime, hopefully you won&#039;t be able to &quot;protect&quot; them from evil healthcare anything like the rest of the industrialized nations enjoy.
<i>...So, I guess I&rsquo;ll do my part. I&rsquo;m going to Tweet, Facebook, write letters, make phone calls, blog, heckle politicians, recruit friends, organize Tea Parties. ...</i> <strong>Tweet</strong>. He&#039;s going to Tweet. It&#039;s over. Might as well pack it in. No health care reform for another generation. And I saw he is going to &quot;organize Tea Parties&quot; ... with tricorn hats and everything, I&#039;m guessing.
You say don&#039;t believe it? Then they&#039;ve gotten to you too.
And don&#039;t forget the stapling of tea bags to the tricorn hats and wives foreheads. That&#039;s the one I like best.
That wasn&#039;t frustration, that was pure hate.
&quot;For me, but not for thee&quot;.
It must be so alluring to the independent voters.
house republicans take out frustration on eric holder.
And then, the sadness....
Although, it must&#039;ve been the Time Agents&#039; fault he was able to hear it. So, crafty, but borderline incompetent, whilst simultaneously fearsomely brilliant but also stupid.
Funny world, the wingnut world.
for godssakes man shhhhhhh!!
Ironically, today&#039;s opinion does actually make it more likely that some states will refuse to participate in the Medicaid expansion that <em>removed</em> an incentive to get pregnant, as it would no longer be the difference between being eligible or not for Medicaid.
i would like to think that if a supreme court decision did not go my way, i would not immediately assume the president was blackmailing someone.
yeah, i&#039;m pretty sure i wouldn&#039;t.
Heckling is the mature, principled response (like honking your campaign&#039;s bus horn) when you have truth and integrity on your side.
<blockquote>Will my kids be okay?</blockquote>
Once they get away from you, their odds will certainly improve. If they come down with MS in the meantime, hopefully you won&#039;t be able to &quot;protect&quot; them from evil healthcare anything like the rest of the industrialized nations enjoy.
<i>...So, I guess I&rsquo;ll do my part. I&rsquo;m going to Tweet, Facebook, write letters, make phone calls, blog, heckle politicians, recruit friends, organize Tea Parties. ...</i> <strong>Tweet</strong>. He&#039;s going to Tweet. It&#039;s over. Might as well pack it in. No health care reform for another generation. And I saw he is going to &quot;organize Tea Parties&quot; ... with tricorn hats and everything, I&#039;m guessing.
<blockquote>He managed to get them on tape discussing it. </blockquote>
I bet the idiot overrecorded the &quot;Whitey&quot; tape.
Better chance they will now that their access to healthcare has been guaranteed and possibly subsidized.