"LSD" would explain a lot...

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So, it's a White Knight chair? What the actual fuck? And I just recently praised UNC Chapel Hill for their brilliant alumnus Kizzmekia Corbett, who is owed all our thanks for making the Moderna vaccine possible.

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Big Tonka Toys!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm guessing Sullivan has more experience with tonkers than she does....Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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Hey, I want some f**king tenure!! I've been at this a pretty long time. I mean living, that sort of thing. Gimme some damn tenu-- Wait, I've been informed that I actually have tenure. Civil Service, lifetime protection w/out fear or favor. Invented back in the day, the first Federal system to treat all employees equally. What a concept! GOP sez, we can't any more of that!! Been fighting it for decades.

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How tall is she though?

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Just because it's been a great public school, I'm sure it's been racist and embarrassing all its life. I mean, embarrassing to some non-Tarheels.

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Today I heard Jason Johnson say the trumpsters and all those people will never turn into people Democrats can deal with in the regular way things used to be-- whether in congress or in our regular lives. He said that flatly-- that this has been building since Newt Gingrich began it and people not inside the crazy sick thing have to just all fight with every resource we have for this government to stay a democracy. Or else we won't recognize it a few years from now. He was advising us to recognize this now.

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I don't often have opinions about fashion, but that outfit is a disaster. It must be a tradition thing then.

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I'm sure a lot of it is perception, but yeah, it's complicated.

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he said not run by racists so that would exclude Missouri

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lmao his avatar looks like he is constantly sniffing his own farts

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it's happened in all organizations across the board since at least Reagan

only white male MBAs are qualified to be in charge -- of everything

academics and others who spent decades honing their craft to learn everything there is to know about how the inner workings of their specific field operate and all the other regular people who perform the actual work

those people know nothing and are frauds and have an agenda and are only in it for the money and can't be trusted because of their ulterior motives

but the guys who swoop in from Harvard B school are pure as the driven white snow and have the best interests OF REAL AMERICANS in mind

if you aren't a "job creator" you're basically dried dog shit and are a liar and a fraud and are just trying to grift money

the JOB CREATORS are the REAL MEN OF GENIUS, like Mittens Q. Romnibus at Blackrock

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also... lol... I'm highly overeducated, having attended three universities and two community colleges, I have a pretty wide range of experience on the topic

I've disagreed with every professor I've ever had and have never had to "just sit there and accept their beliefs" lmao

they love it when you respectfully disagree and bring up opposing view points ... that's why they're there... that's why they are professors

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it's too bad because it's got some really nice parts but yes, the Tea Party nuts have really ruined a lot of the good work the state did in the 90's and 2000's

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They say "People who can do, people who can't teach; and people who can't teach, manage." But the truth is, people who can't manage usually end up in some fuck-ass position of authority that they can't even authority. Nikole Hannah-Jones may be getting a prestigious job for what she can do and she can teach as well. No fucking wonder somebodies are pissed.

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