Not to mention the small matter of setting the Mideast on fire, creating a gaping power vacuum in Iraq, which in turn has encouraged Iran, strengthened Hezbollah, and put Lebanon at serious risk, while also providing a haven and collection point for volunteers to flock to ISIS. Which leads me to mention Syria and eastern Turkey...

The one place, the one place every other administration knew better than to fuck with, including Bush Daddy. The one fucking place you don't destabilize, because the consequences will be generations-long.

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Also, Ford - an unelected president - used the executive veto 66 times, compared with Johnson and Carter's 30 and 31, and Nixon's 43.

Barack Obama? 2 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_State...">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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hahaha, you're stupid if you think anyone sentient is willing to keep that kind of quality derp to himself.

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I remember reading at least 3 military press releases to the public after BHO was in office that they had found several caches of buried nerve gas and other gases of anywhere between 4 tons to 20 tons in each cache of buried warhead for missiles and artillery shells. It was always a b.t.w. mention on page 10-16 in most papers and only once did it even make Fox News. They also have satellite photos of the days just before the invasion of convoys of military truck headed for the Iranian and Syrian borders. Most of the buried finds were along these routes, leading investigators to believe that these were buried when drivers heard word of the American invasion was now happening. They were ordered to bury their containers of gasses and head back to Baghdad to resupply troops as they confronted the Americans. A few of these drivers disobeyed orders and continued on as they had no intentions of ever fighting the Americans.

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I think I have identified the problem with the right: If it says "Bush" anywhere in the story, it clearly means "the white President," therefore correct/vindication/victory! If it says "Obama," it means "the black President," clearly treason/un-American/wrong, Q.E.D.

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And if you want to get really jacked up get a load of these IJReview comments: <a href="http://tinyurl.com/phcqhvq" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://tinyurl.com/phcqhvq">http://tinyurl.com/phcqhvq</a>

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...way to go Bushy! You were able to save humanity from chemical weapons so old that even when people are directly exposed to them, it took 3 years for them to show symptoms of exposure! And he did it all for the low, low price of: over 4000 dead troops, untold trillions of wealth and the complete destabilization of the most volatile region in the world!

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Most of those "WMDs" are actually in the Al Muthanna site, where they had been deposited by Saddam at the behest of the UN, back in 1991. Those were the munitions that were deemed unsafe to destroy, so they put them in this site to rot and decay on their own. The relatively few found elsewhere were unearthed- literally dug up- from places near the Iranian border where they were buried by Iraqi troops during the Iran/Iraq war. They still find old WWII era landmines in Europe- this is no different

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My favorite statements from the GWB2 administration:

Mission Accomplished. Good job Brownie! Go fuck yourself.

That pretty much summarizes $6 trillion in war debt over the next several decades, the loss of 5200 U.S. troops, our wounded veterans, and those of us who knew this was a half-baked, ill-prepared and poorly executed war.

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No, Issa thing.

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The trouble is- the RW will go into full blown foaming at the mouth shouty mode over this and millions of their dumbass base will fall for the BS. The GOP has mastered the concept that loud, impossibly simplistic soundbites ALWAYS trump complicated, nuanced explanations. As H.L. Mencken said, "For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong" and the GOP are the champs at spewing these answers

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Are you smarter than a third-grader?

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since Nixon? Try Eisenhower- he signed off on the Iranian CIA coup that still drives mid east policy to this day

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<a href="https:\/\/www.google.ca\/webhp\?sourceid=chrome-instant&amp\;ion=1&amp\;espv=2&amp\;ie=UTF-8#q=heck%20of%20a%20job%20brownie%20wiki" target="_blank">Heck of a job, Brownie LIBEL!!1!</a>

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<a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=jlz0he9rtKw" target="_blank">Important historical film footage.</a>

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I'd still say Ike was a "good" republican all in all (at least compared to the clusterfuck that came after him), but yes, he screwed the pooch on that one

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