Rob Ford?

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Yep. He seems nice.

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"Here’s what happened last night: I had a severe upper respiratory infection, and I’m the kind of guy who never goes to the doctor."

You are severely ill and you go to a public function? Thanks, Typhoid Kincannon!

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As long as he doesn't take her with him, it's all good.

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I stand corrected. I just remember it sounded Vulcanly awkward coming from Nimoy (may he R.I.P.).

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Pure moose balls. I was prescribed the same medication for a severe cough in January.

I did not go nuts or hurt any baby animals. My worst sin was wearing ducky pj's for 2 days straight.

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If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.

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For the record, Fatty Arbuckle was innocent, and the incident and media furor sadly destroyed his career. Maybe put somebody who is actually a horrible person next Hitler and De Sade (like, say Manson. Or Nixon. Or McCarthy. Or Stalin. Or Gacy. etc, etc)

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Thanks for the complement! Getting praise on Wonkette has been the high point of my couple of days.

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Officially, the 4th of July is Hillbilly Day in Mountain Rest, South Carolina.

But if you're a Republican, you don't have to wait.

Get tweaked on meth and drunk on cough syrup, drive around and argue with your wife.

Nothing could be finer in Carolina...


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What do you have to do to your wife to get arrested in South Carolina? I forgot, this is the place where the Governor can disappear in the Appalachian Mountains located 5 clicks south of the Rio de la Plata. And not a swinging dick in all of South Carolina can see anything wrong that. They even elect Don Juan Sanford to Congress.I'm beginning to wonder why people with an IQ above that of a Lawn Gnome would want to continue living here. Being surrounded by total morons. And there numbers increase daily. You know we're headed for a fall of Biblical Proportions. And the Morons will think it's a party thrown by the Koch Brothers.

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That might be because there really are dumb fuckwads who do tweet shit like this.

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Hey, she mentioned the very same thing! Ashley Kincannon would do well to remember what happened to Sherri Coleman https://bonnierussell.wordp...

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Borderline personality disorder. I was married to one of those once.

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Unfortunately, leaving Kincannon would not ensure the wife's safety. An expert witness in a criminal case I recently transcribed opined that in many instances women who leave are in greater danger of being murdered by controlling ex's who cannot deal with losing their control. Even so, it sounds like she needs to get the fuck out of Dodge.

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Except that he lied about everything else. Why would you believe he didn't lie about that? It's awfully convenient.

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