but what about the cantaloupes??

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Dr. Carson has a bigger problem when he writes using too many big words.

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So now it's a Monument to African Americans?

~ Miss Lindsey

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Eddie Murphy. He'll play all the blahs in the movie in addition to Carson.

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Republican Party: When ISIS goes into a church and kills Christians or Boko Harum goes into a school and kills only Christians, it is Islam's War on Christians. When a white guy, admirer of Apartheid, says blacks are taking over and raping white women, kills 9 blacks, you can't know the motive.

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But we are a post-racial society and only racist liberals ever talk about race. All the talking heads say so.

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I'm sure somehow they'll all agree this is Hillary Clinton's fault since Obama is a "lame duck".

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America: A leading exporter of double standard and hypocrisy in a world that already has too much of both.

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We're gonna need a better class of token uncle tom idiot teabagging morons who happen to be black neurosurgeons.

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It's insane, and we haven't even gotten to the debates yet. I'm pretty sure I've seen Smash Brothers matches less crowded and crazy than that.

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uppity women, uppity.... oh, you know, wink.

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Oh-oh! Mr. Ben accidentally looked in the mirror. GOPers should never have mirrors in their houses....

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Only certain bankers, and only in the face.

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Only bankers who will apologize to him for getting their face all over his nice birdshot.

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Wonder when he will divorce his wife for being a liberal lover

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Yep. His campaign was more like an extended audition for Fox.

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