There's very little that can't be solved by paying off Jeb's buddies using public funds. That and more guns.

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Seems like they let him live in the big house for awhile while the deep thinkers actually ran things.

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Needz moar Ted Cruz comedic lead in.

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I was reading the history of our town in NJ and until 1835 the township actually had pauper auctions and some stayed in indentured servitude until 1850. I was amazed....

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Dovetails well with the "Quit being a filthy whore, you filthy whore" lady-voter plank

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In a pinch, they could sell the villa in Saint Tropez.

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He chose his parents carefully, at least when it comes to wealth and social status. As people, not so much.

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A federal pauper exchange? Another fucking gummint program? That's like Obummercare for the exchange of paupers. The pauper exchanges should be privatized, the way the Founding Fathers envisioned. I believe they were called Slave Markets at the time.

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Say, you know who else is a callous and out of touch plutocrat with no actual skills? No, for once, not Hitler. I'm thinking of the guy whose picture graces the top of this very page.

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Jeb is saying sweet nothings for the election, not the nomination. He knows that the independents will control the election and the freak-show conservatives scare them. If he bends over to the tea-tard side he'll win the nomination but lose the election so this RINO approach is low risk. Still, this is all the same old script that W dribbled over and made potty on.

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There is that.

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I was trying to figure out how to tell JEB the right way to do Paleo and stumbled on this racist crap website: jebbushforpresident[dot]net/.I don't want him to be elected president. I just want Paleo to be elected the standard lifestyle.

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I bow to you sir! Clearly you are a patriot. I stand corrected.

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Maybe not that far from the clown car... he just jizzed all over Charles Murray's racist pseudoscience:


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How did you miss this part of the interview?Jeb loves Charles Murray.http://talkingpointsmemo.co...This definitely will win him some points with the base.

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But Ted Cruz has never seen a panhandling Hispanic, unlike some other kind of minorities.

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