This is not supposed to be news, but in a shocking and stunning and OMG-ing turn of events, Speaker of the House John Boehner has invited President Obama to do his job.
" . . . skip the whole pomp and circumstance of the event and maybe just send a tweet: 'Nation strong, would be better if you guys didn’t suck. – BO.'"
Don't forget #PassABill
Also, I was under the impression that the standing ovations were all the exercise most members of Congress get these days.
Is there time for him to grow dreadlocks? While walking through the mall today I was following a very handsome young man with the most beautiful dreads, and all the white guys staffing the carts were giving him side-eye like you wouldn't believe.
Is SC Republican Rep Joe Wilson spraying his throat and otherwise toning up for a repeat of his epic 2009 call-out of the Kenyan usurper?
And is Ass Justice Sam Alito practicing his mouthings of disagreement in front of the mirror?
" . . . skip the whole pomp and circumstance of the event and maybe just send a tweet: 'Nation strong, would be better if you guys didn’t suck. – BO.'"
Don't forget #PassABill
Also, I was under the impression that the standing ovations were all the exercise most members of Congress get these days.
Also, too: botox
I heard Hillary assassinated him with a movie.
Is there time for him to grow dreadlocks? While walking through the mall today I was following a very handsome young man with the most beautiful dreads, and all the white guys staffing the carts were giving him side-eye like you wouldn't believe.