but they all wear the same armband

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I know it.

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I'm pretty sure Russian bots are the only ones who actually answer polls anymore

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the military is only for the second sons of the wealthy. having a procurement officer in the family might boost the company's bottom line.

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a truthful politician, ha! that's an oxymoron if i ever heard one. they all lie as much as trump, they are just better at it.

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if you are mentally willing, and physically able to defend this nation, that should be all that matters.

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"they believe that merely being a̶ tran̶s̶g̶e̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶ Donald Trump ought to be considered a “a disqualifying psychological and physical” condition.

Fixed it to reflect what the GOP policy should be on supporting this bigoted piece of shit as their President.

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They were wrong. Go ahead and hate.

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It is not really a suprise that the GOP feels confident enough to try this now. Trump Is a convenient circus act that provides cover and lowers the standard of discourse, and the media gleefully follows him around sniffing his pasty ass.They are wrong. And this will bite them in the ass. Eventually.

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The “Enclusterfuckment”. The wonderous era where the most powerful country in the world hitched its wagon to a psychopathic orange narcissist that masturbates to a golden statue of himself. If that was the beginning of my novel, then things would be going downhill in the next chapter for sure...

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1859; when you could keep people as livestock!

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Yeah, I reposted this on FB (with full credit to Robyn, who is awesome). Bracing for the FB shitstorm in 3-2-1...

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I remember the days when I was scary enough. (I am old).

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Well this just goes to show that while Trump may have made the decision ad hoc to ban transgenders from the army, such a decision is not one that is entirely divorced from the goP's platform.

Heck, what am I talking about "entirely divorce"? It IS the GoP's platform, and they've just told us so!

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Time keeps on slipping into the future.You really can't hold onto the past. Unless you're a fucking idiot.

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Support for this b.s. is sure to rally some of the derps and bigots on the rightwing.

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