Definitely a brother from another mother.

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Don't bro me twit.

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Watching Romney try to clean up the mess he has over "RomneyCare" made me want to buy a robot vacuum. For about $300, I can spill Cheetos crumbs 'til my heart's content!

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I was thinking that he looks like a young Marshall Applewhite, remember the Heavens Gate suicide cult? <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wik..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Applewhite">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

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Nice ball bumper Rick.

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I think that's just the basic job requirements for Mitt's campaign.

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I think that's Ron Paul's blimp. Time to redecorate, bro!

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Maybe after working out for a year and getting a decent set of tats. Right now he's better suited to host the Dubious Trendy Cocktails Show.

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thanks fukui, i'm paywalled out of nytimes.

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god this guy's shirt is starchier than my ex-husband's.

my ex-husband's shirts drove me into the theatre.

true story.

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It's like being harrassed by a 6th grader.

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Hey Bro. Shaved head on a black dude can look sexy. On a pasty white dude it looks like they just got out of chemo.

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Will these two just get a room already?

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