I was thinking today that Trump is the perfect moral compass because you can guarantee literally everything he says is wrong.

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Yeah, even if she’s got a ton of out of state money Kentucky is still going to be Kentucky.

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I have to go often to spend time with Mother Super Dragon. I do not recommend going otherwise. (Okay, maybe the Kennedy Space Center and the Dali Museum are worth seeing)

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The continual thirty-degree changes from inside to outside make be incredibly nauseous.

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You know the second that photo op was done he was all “get this garbage away from me and get me a Big Mac!”

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How is old Herman? I haven't heard anything about his condition since last week.

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No they're not. They fall under "noisemakers"

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Definitely the Chicano populace hate his ass and run Dem, from what I saw. But the Chicanos are different in so many ways. And then there are a huge body of Hispanics from other places, like Puerto Rico, Cuba, etc., who you would think would loathe the monster, especially after all he has done. Not always the case though. When I lived in Florida, I saw something similar to what we see here amongst the old white conservatives. They are unbudging in their voting Republican no matter what. Religion, abortion, traditional ‘family values’, are the anchors. I understand where they are going wrong, but the stubbornness and unwillingness to delve deeper is the same. I think the younger generations have learned better though.

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I don't know them well because I stay away from them. I can dream. My fantasy life is action-packed these days.

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Imagine if a hurricane hit it and the entire GOP leadership was killed. 😮 That’s literally the only thing that could happen between now and November that would surprise me.

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Nah, McConnell doesn’t buy into that Maga own the libs stuff. He’s just a straight up grifter. Who apparently does not want to die for Donald Trump. How unfortunate that he’s smart about this.

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😂😂😂🤣 I can’t stop thinking about the Good Place and Jason Mendoza whenever Jacksonville is mentioned. 😂 The whole thing is going to be a totally Jason Mendoza-ed operation, you know it is.

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It's the same in our house, the minute Jackson ville is mentioned at least 2 people yell "Bortles!" or "Jaguars rule!" at the top of their lungs.

The husband bought Planet Zoo on Steam at the start of the pandemic (entertainment for an 11 year old who wanted to be a zoo keeper), of course he had to play it first. He renamed all his jaguars, Blake, Bortles, Jason and Janet. I'm starting to question all of our sanity.

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God, I hate swamp ass. Swamp taint and swamp crotch, too.

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Imagine how bad it would be if it ever rained there.

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