I would so dearly love to know if he filed a corrected return, after losing the election, to get his tax rate back down to its original piss-off-the-peasants level.

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Don Gonyea on NPR really said it best yesterday. After letting tea partiers go on for 3 minutes about oppression! freedumb! He ended it by saying: "Each is also quick to opine that this is bigger than a bad call made by some bureaucrat at the Internal Revenue Service. Each points a finger at the president, something Tea Party members have been doing ever since their movement began. Don Gonyea, NPR News, Washington." Bazinga.

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Big Bird kicked Mitt's ass to here and gone. Don't mess wit Da Bird.

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Nate Silver says don't take it. Karl Rove is your mark.

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I still bet on Romney taking advantage of the tax amnesty program. When the IRS started squeezing information out of Swiss banks, he probably shit a brick, and told his accountants "I'm running for president, for Pete's sake!"

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Libruls are dispiciable fukken retarts and ALL suspicous. What did libtard Reed no and HOW?

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sarcastic, nymphs

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You have any doubt about this?

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See, e.g, Joe McCarthy. It even works off the Floor if you quote something you said on the Floor.

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Or better yet, let all organizations pay taxes: churches, animal rescue leagues, whatever. Don't make the government decide what is "charity". Then, if the politicians decide they want to promote religion or decrease animal abuse, then let them provide direct subsidies. Simple.

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I understand that the Romney's have been screwing the pooch for years.

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close- the Dominican Republic

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Also, drink with your head up your own ass.

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*Not intended to be a factual statement.

The get-out-of-jail-free card for Senate Floor comments

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Is he one of those people from the back of a milk carton, or something?

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There's some world class dumb going on at the DC comment thread- weapons grade stupid. I think maybe ONE of them managed to figure out that their original claims about Harry and this new accusation can't both be true. They turned on him like a pack of rabid shit weasels for the horrible crime of introducing logic and critical thinking to their cesspool of a site. Meanwhile,most of them seem to be content with blathering about Reid going to prison for making his ABSOLUTELY BASELESS CLAIMS!!1! on the Senate floor (apparently that is now a felony) and he is going to prison for collusion with the IRS- which apparently supplied him with those baseless claims. Buncha rocket scientists there, I tell ya

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