Is it time to start standing our ground against these fuckers before they kill us all?

Guy without a mask walking into my store? Might as well be carrying a gun.

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But which of the two is more likely to correct an error? The SPLC or the GOP?

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Why? They can't see anything in it.....

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‘Christ’ means “anointed,” which is ‘Χριστός’ (‘Christos’) in Greek. The ‘X’ is the Greek letter ‘chi.’ Any frat bro knows this.

Jerry Falwell (the dead one) used to say ‘Christ Jesus,’ which is more accurate.

‘Xmas’ freaked out The Faithful (my mother said, whose family was Jesuphilic ) because ‘x’ is a variable in math, and to conflate the certainty of Jesus with the uncertainty of a variable was blasphemous.

Any wonder why atheists score higher on religious tests than The Faithful?

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Environment or heredity? Discuss.

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Let’s see... Let him cite a credible non-partisan study on how to increase efficiency of sorting with improved regional sorting centers or some such argle-bargle.

Oh... there is none? D’oh!

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Typical Trumpie bullsht. Don’t address an issue, attack the people reporting it:News sources, whistleblowers, ANTIFA, CDC, SPLC...

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I can agree with that.

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That, right there, is the craziest example of "The president said this today..." that I've seen in a while. Like 6-8 months? (Days? Minutes??) The Leader of the Free World sez- "If we have fewer tests, our case level will go down," and our ever alert media reports it-- and moves on. The same thing would be true of reporting car crashes, house fires, bridge jumpers- If we don't report it, the numbers go down. It's all so breathtakingly stupid.

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Or ... hate groups.

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NOW? Try 40 years ago...

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Probably somewhere down below this was mentioned, but the FRC also employed sister-fiddler Josh Duggar, who only got kicked out after his Ashley Madison account came to light.

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And in particular because Reagan was the first one to bow down before the religious right. Despite all their obvious evil, both Goldwater and Nixon hated the religious right and saw them as the hypocrites they've always been.

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Unlike the Democrats, whose policy litmus tests are measured by what they DON'T endorse or believe in (aka, anything to the left of Steny Hoyer or Ben Cardin). Even Lizzy "capitalist to the bone" Warren was too much of a commie-pinko for the DNC.

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American Plutocratic National Socialist Death Cult. There, fixed

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The GOP is flirting with hate-group status, really getting too close to call. Another reason, (actually part of an ongoing reason), for them to burn it to the ground, and rebuild a genuine opposition party to the Democrats. Instead of whatever the fuck the Republican party currently is.

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