So I'm guessing “Uber” was the third thing Rick Perry was going to address in his speech to the Americans for Prosperity.

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You know, that straight, sober Rob Ford is not nearly as entertaining as, well, that <i>other</i> Rob Ford guy.

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How many bullet holes in those TVs?

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At first I thought that Gov. Perry's palm "Uber" was was a reminder of how much he he liked German jackbooted thugs, but then I also remembered that UBER was an acronym for Undocumented Bordercrossers Elect Republicans.

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And the bumba-heads are kind of cute.

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Republicans. You never know when they're going to break into a place, loot it, and bust up everything they can't carry off. It's just part of their culture. It's time for the police to start profiling them.

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I thought it was to die ON.

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Ahh, to be touched by a carnie. How romantic, in a Rob Ford kind of way.

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My sister, who is vigorously supporting another candidate, was at a <a href="http:\/\/globalnews.ca\/news\/1478849\/toronto-mayoral-debate-only-open-to-east-york-residents\/" target="_blank">notorious event back in July </a> when Ford and bro Doug tried to bully their way into having their entire entourage admitted to a debate. She was disgusted.

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i had a bobble head obama once.

but then the cats broke it.

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