It's not a suit-shirt? Oh wait. I forgot, he's Canadian.

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After he gets clean and resumes his campaign he can run against the goofball who's had the job for the past few years.

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That's not necessarily the case. Men who are accustomed to talking one way when they are with their buddies and close associates sometimes forget or have trouble switching gears when they are in other settings that resemble the in-group setting in some way. "Locker-room talk" has a dynamic of its own. Well-understood group processes can produce a coarse and emphatic in-group type of discourse, which becomes a well-practiced stereotypical routine when members interact with fellow members of that particular group when they get together in certain settings. These effects are well-known and do not necessarily portent or reinforce hostility, aggression or deviant behavior outside of the group setting.

None of this is meant to imply that the speech is acceptable or forgivable when it is expressed at such times, only that the motivations behind it aren't necessarily as sinister as you describe. More often it represents an over-generalized script that is only supposed to be expressed in very specific settings between members of an in-group.

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The many reported incidents of such statements by Sterling over the years contradict that excuse.

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Read through my comment again. Perhaps the second time through you will notice that I wasn't talking at all about Rob Ford.

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Great, now he'll probably jump on the Jesus Train and be even more obnoxious.

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No, Canadian politicians keep their religious quirks quiet. For instance, Dear Leader Stephen Harper does not advertise that he belongs to the evangelical Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, because it would lose him votes.

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Yet another reason to emigrate to the Great White North (preferably Vancouver).

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No, David Soknacki, who will probably end up pulling out and supporting Chow by October, so as to not split the lefty vote, because if Ford doesn't resurge, they'll end up with John Tory, who is a asshole.

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holy shit.

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Where are all the people who defended Sterling telling us "These were private comments said in private!"?

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ikr? I sneezed my meth all over my double-wide.

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Our dulcet tones LIBELZ!!!!

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You May be On to something


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The crack is a hard one to quit Rob,I think I'd just start off slow and quit being a dick first.My god you haven't even got down to your target weight yet so dont quit the stem fast just yet,fire that dizzy stick up and mellow out and dont be a quitter

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Oh, my. That is all.

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