mittens should pick the most interesting man in the world.

not that it would really help, but still i like that guy.

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Liz Cheney evidently thinks actually being president isn't experience enough to be president.

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I get nauseous whenever I see that smarmy face ... I'd go nuts if his mug was everywhere.

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The beltway press seems to have already given Portman the VP nomination.

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For a whole year during parts of '06 and '07. Executive experience!

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Anti-choice, pro-gun, anti-regulation, and backs the Ryan budget -- if you ignore that he sometimes talks to Democrats, he's pretty much a perfect 10 on the GOPtard scoresheet.

But who the heck is he supposed to appeal to, who's not already on board the beat-Obama-at-any-cost bandwagon?

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Hey, remember how the wingnuts tried to claim Palin was the most qualified person on either ticket to be president based on her 2 years as a governor, because being a governor, even of a state with no people, is so fucking hard and important and just exactly like being president? Either everyone's going to collectively forget this, or there will be a chorus of whining if Mit picks someone from Congress.

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We already had a real, live "action hero" politician in here Cally-fornia who ran his term based on insane plots of summer blockbusters. Didn't work out well for us or him.

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