That audience isn't giving you a standing O?


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Esp. if you're one of the hosts, Ben.

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OOPS, is right.

The problem is they still think they are driving the rubers, n ot the other way around.

A lot of people look at an actor and think: I could do that.After Reagan, it was well, if he can, then so can I.

Rejecting science is another way to say, I don't need expertise or knowledge, I just need my own bias reaffirmed. The neo-conservatives cast about and invent out of whole cloth reasons to justify their bad impulses. They know it's blatantly unAmerican behaviour. Flying the Rebel flag is not about debate; it's too provoke and thumb their nose

Obedience to extremism is not about seeking leadership. It never was. It's to justify.

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Faax Newz propaganda? What are they trying to 'fix'?

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I'm sick of these old-school Republicans and their hand-wringing over the state of the party. WTF are you doing to wrestle it back from the Trumpers, the loons, and the Qidiots? People like Gates and the Cheneys know how to play filthy dirty. Sorry, but it's time to use those tactics against Trump and his goon squad. At least the folks at Lincoln Project are trying, but where are the rest of them?

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Back in my day we knew how to be tolerably polite to the coloreds working the dining room at the country club and we kept our racism safely ensconced in some really, really, bad economic theory.

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Clarence Thomas.That alone should remind people what a piece of shit Bush Sr was.

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As a gay man, there has never, ever been a time in my life where the Republican Party hasn't stood for hatred or bigotry.Same for other minority groups.Nixon, St.Ronnie and Bush Sr. wouldn't be horrified by today's GOP, they would envy it for it not having to use the dog whistles they did.

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Yup and for all his talk of how he hated the Religious Reich, he never acknowledged he's the one who paved the way for them.

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My uncle had Chenoweth as his Rep when he had to live in Idaho for work.She was the final straw that broke the camel's back on my Uncle leaving the GOP.

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That poor guy's ass. Still funny, tho, incl. the patriotic musical accompaniment.

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I remember Eisenhower, vaguely. I was just a wee lad. But I also remember learning about his speech warning America of the perils of the military-industrial complex. He was on the mark there.

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There is a video of some fool putting a Roman candle in the front of his shorts, wagging it up and down once before the fire set his fuzzy parts alight.....probably Youtube

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I've said this before, but as an official Old Man, I can attest that from the earliest days of my political awakening, probably around 1960 Nixon vs. JFK, and certainly in Goldwater's campaign in '64, my dad and all his so-called 'conservative' Republican buddies were deep in a black hole of racist, sexist, homophobic, kill-all-the-liberals-and-let-God-sort-them-out belief system. Anything and everything that hinted at progressive social and judicial change was labeled as 'communist' and/or Black Power.

The only thing that's new is the fact that the atmosphere has been supercharged by instant access to information via the Internet. In my dad's day they had to rely on cheaply-printed or mimeographed newsletters and screeds, with the occasional Klan-like political meeting if there were enough of them in the area. The viewpoint was the same (if not actually worse), but the information channel was much slower and the feedback loop/echo chamber was extremely limited.

As a techie who was in on the early development of computer networking, the ubiquitous Internet is a wonder, but it's also fucked us up beyond all imagining. We thought it would bring global freedom of information exchange, and sure it has, but it's also brought us to the point where nearly half of the world's people think that authoritarian dictatorship based on racist violence is a Good Thing.

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