I want Mueller to get Preet Bharara and Sally Yates on the team. That would be EPIC shade.

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You're right. I sit (and type) corrected.

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Me too. She's the Princess Leia of Raiders.

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I, too, would buy such a shirt! HINT!

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And NOW he works for the New York State Attorney General.

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Sounds like a plan, maybe even an ideal situation.Good luck!

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I would LOVE that! 😂

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A hat, we needs a Mueller time hat.

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Can we pretty please refer to Mueller's team of lawyers and legal experts as the "Justice League"?

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Preet rhymes with sheet, eat it tRump.

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that actually helps him be not so repulsive

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Stay in the shade, and have enough to drink. (I lived in Austin for some years, so I know)

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It's not technically treason because we aren't at war with Russia.

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Wow! Good luck - may the karma be with you!,

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I've seen her in one? two? other flicks, and she picks her roles carefully, to characters that she can live with.


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Hint: use plain water, and don't drain it. That way you can come back at intervals for a fresh dose of cool.

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