Can you bear full sunlight?

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One of them writes well, and the other is dead.

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If I was his CO I would sure as fuck find a reason for your friend to be transferred States side. I would pray but DOTUS' election only proves the deity does not listen.

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but the guy is a LOSER with a CAPITAL L...he lies...he lied about killing this kid. And i don't care if the kid couldve stomped him into the ground. STILL NO RIGHT to kill a kid.

i seriously doubt he wakes up in cold sweats over what he did or wakes up to himself screaming.

seriously...fuck him. even worse he asking for a pity party.fuck that guy.

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He's a husker doer.

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"Who, here, didn't believe it instantly?" - but that's the problem. Telling us exactly what we really believe and really want to hear is EXACTLY what Fake News aka Russian 'deza' would do. I hope it's real butI'm skeptical.

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Ahhhh... this must be the reason he engaged in that scaryass "I'm going to start a war" photo op this morning.

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And now we see why a bipartisan Committee does not work when the leading party REALLY does not want to do the investigating to begin with.

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There is only one thing Rand will part from with the rest of the GOP. He does not want taxes for any of it. No really, he wants a privatized military, privatized park service, privatize it all and let the free hand sort it out. Whereas his GOP bretheren prefer milking the middle and poorz for the grift of the wealthy.I very much doubt he could be bribed to a tax hike

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Try fever tree bitter lemon

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Sadly it does matter to the conspiracy nuts. And they tend to vote for WingNuts and Trumps.

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Shucks! I find that a-maize-ing!

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Aw, why would the mean men not want to tell the GOP anything that might be compromising? And by that I mean sensitive and important. The GOP persons might have a vested interest in keeping 54 right where he is until he makes all of their dreams come true by signing whatever batshit crap bill they put in front of him?

Call me Eeyore.

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Do they go awn and awn?

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I am weird and actually like tonic and sometimes just have a glass of it with ice and lime. But it is so much better with gin!

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