I was referring to her having worked in the Eastern District of NY not VA as reported in this article. But, yes, her parents from Pakistan. She was born and raised in the US.
Husband of Mrs God..... manifold implication or suggestion there.A bit of a chicken or egg thing, for one.The question of who sits at the right hand of who, also comes to mindbut perhaps is best left unasked.Then of course come the more sundry concern such as delegating of domestic duties.i.e.: Laundry, housekeeping, keeping of the books And childrearing reaponsabilites.An interesting moniker have you,,, how could be otherwise, considering?...
The linked New Yorker piece on Ms. Ahmad is REALLY good, the kind that makes me confident about the future and thankful we have driven, dedicated people who aren't afraid.
I always (I mean, like forever) thot those seemingly random, all big letter thingies (USDA, CIA, STFU) were called acrimonies or sumpin , not abbr.,kinda.Amirite?
Dear Mr. M, we're gonna need a shoe to drop real soon. It doesn't have to be the other shoe, but just a real fucking shoe, before the DJ Trump clan gets too far out there.
"Justice League: Meet The Veteran Prosecutors Powering The Russia Probe"
It would sooooo make my entire life worth living if a woman could kick Trump's ass! Get 'em Ms. Ahmad!
Those numbers are a problem. They're like boards. I guess they discriminate against women because they become shelves, if you know what I mean.
Confusion is the Ol' Pussy Grabbers MO. It is the only thing he does well.
Yeah, I was thinking that too. I have a weakness for super-intelligent near-eastern women.
I was referring to her having worked in the Eastern District of NY not VA as reported in this article. But, yes, her parents from Pakistan. She was born and raised in the US.
"She was bleeding from her foot when it impacted with my ass!"
"At least I think it was her foot that was bleeding!"
"Of course, part of what’s been chapping the frank and beans of Newticles of Gingrich"
Okay, like, full stop. That there is some tasty bit o writing'New tickles of Gingrich... LMFAOROTF
Husband of Mrs God..... manifold implication or suggestion there.A bit of a chicken or egg thing, for one.The question of who sits at the right hand of who, also comes to mindbut perhaps is best left unasked.Then of course come the more sundry concern such as delegating of domestic duties.i.e.: Laundry, housekeeping, keeping of the books And childrearing reaponsabilites.An interesting moniker have you,,, how could be otherwise, considering?...
If I revealed to my brothers that I was afraid of something they would instantly put it on my face or throw it at me.
The linked New Yorker piece on Ms. Ahmad is REALLY good, the kind that makes me confident about the future and thankful we have driven, dedicated people who aren't afraid.
OMG! Palmyra! There's no way we can lose… 😊 #PalmyraLove
I always (I mean, like forever) thot those seemingly random, all big letter thingies (USDA, CIA, STFU) were called acrimonies or sumpin , not abbr.,kinda.Amirite?
Dear Mr. M, we're gonna need a shoe to drop real soon. It doesn't have to be the other shoe, but just a real fucking shoe, before the DJ Trump clan gets too far out there.
Yours Trulyrbb