Robert Mueller Knows Who Is The Collusion, And It Is Donald Trump And His Cat Butthole Mouth!
You are the collusion
On Wednesday, we talked about how special counsel Robert Mueller seems to be getting VERY CLOSE to hitting the bull's eye on the conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia to steal American democracy. In that post, we looked at it on a meta level, dealing with Trump's Russian activities in the time just before he decided to run for president and during the campaign.
Just after that post published, Katy Tur and her pals at NBC News broke a story that suggests Mueller is also aiming at the bull's eye on a very micro level, examining the simplest essence of the "NO COLLUSION!" Donald Trump is always screaming about. Did he know Russia had hacked Hillary Clinton/DNC emails before they released them through WikiLeaks and their other front operations? When did he know it? What did he do with that information? Did he knowingly work to direct the Russians on the timing of their release?
Also, what about that Roger Stone guy? What about his contacts with WikiLeaks? Is there a particular reason he knew it was about to be Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta's "time in the barrel" in the weeks before WikiLeaks dropped Podesta's emails? (Stone says it's because Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort had just resigned, and that Podesta's turn was next. That ... doesn't really answer the question, and also might be a lie, because of how it is Roger Stone and his lips are moving.)
Mueller is reportedly also asking about what made Trump give Russia one million policy tongue baths during the campaign, and about White House aide Dan Scavino, who did social media for the Trump campaign.
In short, Robert Mueller is Just Asking Questions about a whole buncha shit.
In one line of questioning, investigators have focused on Trump's public comments in July 2016 asking Russia to find emails that were deleted by his then-opponent Hillary Clinton from a private server she maintained while secretary of state. The comments came at a news conference on July 27, 2016, just days after WikiLeaks began publishing the Democratic National Committee emails. "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Trump said.
Oh golly, we remember that! But Trump was KIDDING! Can't you tell he was KIDDING by the way he looked straight at the camera and gave Russia instructions for how to help his campaign? Watch the video for a very funny joke, by Donald Trump!
Here are some more VERY INTERESTING questions from Robert Mueller:
Witnesses have been asked whether Trump himself knew then that Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta, whose emails were released several months later, had already been targeted. They were also asked if Trump was advised to make the statement about Clinton's emailsfrom someone outside his campaign,and if the witnesses had reason to believe Trump tried to coordinate the release of the DNC emails to do the most damage to Clinton, the people familiar with the matter said.
How interesting! Mueller is asking if Trump was publicly giving a Russian intelligence front a cue to go ahead and initiate the next phase of the criminal operation, and if he was instructed to do so, by Russia. That would be WHOA IF TRUE, wouldn't it?
Here are two questions Wonkette has, in case Robert Mueller is looking to Wonkette for advice on new questions to ask:
Did Donald Trump Jr. run upstairs with his pants around his ankles and brag to Daddy about how a Russian lady was bringing him Hillary dirts, like Steve Bannon suggested he probably did?
Remember that weird terrible news day when the US intelligence community released its assessment that Russia was definitely fucking with the election, THEN the "Access Hollywood" grab 'em by the pussy tape came out, THEN WikiLeaks started dropping Podesta emails? Wonder if Trump knew that was about to happen!
To be clear, this is different from things like the George Papadopoulos guilty plea, where we knew Papadopoulos The Coffee Boy was aware of Russia's crime in progress, and are trying to figure out if he shared it with Jeff Sessions or other campaign staffers. This is about the Big Dumb Orange Kahuna himself!
Remember, Robert Mueller is always 100 miles ahead of news reports. He probably already knows the answers to the questions he's asking. And if witnesses are leaking these particular questions from Mueller, we will bet you a dollar the answer is "OF COURSE, Donald Trump knew all this!"
As we've said, it sounds like Mueller is getting really close. Combine yesterday's story, about how Mueller is flicking the G-spot of the bull's eye of the BIG BROAD OUTLINES of the conspiracy, with this story, about a simple question -- did Trump know Russia was releasing Hillary's emails for him before it happened, and was he a part of coordinating the WHEN of all that? -- and you have a case that is getting close to being signed, sealed and delivered. (At least regarding the parts we know! We have a feeling the full investigation is long from over.)
Oh by the way, the Washington Post reports that Mueller is also looking at the events last summer when Trump tried to fire Jeff Sessions one million times because he was mad at him for recusing himself from the Russia investigation. You know, in case you're curious whether Mueller is still nailing Trump hard on obstruction of justice.
We'd say pop the popcorn, but we hate popcorn, so, you know, order all the Chinese food! Shit's gettin' good!
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[ NBC News ]
Judith, if I had realized you were a lady-type person, I certainly would nave not---
Maybe he worked in a movie theater. That'll put you off popcorn for life.