UH OH On July 26, the morning after Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort testified behind closed doors for the Senate Intelligence Committee, Donald Trump Twitter-bated out a ban on transgender people serving in the military, which top military brass are basically ignoring right now.
If, as I suspect, Manafort has refused the overtures to flip on the folks in the Trump Administration, and on his friends in the East, could he be so arrogant as to thing traipsing up to Capitol Hill was going to get him off the hook and he needn't bother destroying the incriminating documents?
On the other hand, the FBI could very well have everything they need to take him to court.
I'm not sure how deeply involved Pence is with Russia. He certainly told falsehoods, but he may have been just a good little parrot repeating what he was told. That makes him too dumb to be President, but dumb is not an impeachable offense. (We should consider adding that to the list, though.)
Ryan is pretty good at weaseling out of things, so he may also be okay.
But the 2016 voters showed that they want something different (okay, so they went a little too different). After the failure of both Trump and the Repub Congress to get anything accomplished, no establishment type may do well with the Repub base. Maybe we'll get Duck Dynasty next time.
If the Boy Scouts have any sense they won't invite whoever is President next year.
Might be different this time because rich and white and powerful.
You really need to write a historical novel after all of the shit has hit all of the fans.
Many men cook, but fu men choo.
Don't talk about the boy, Martha.
I am very much against those. How can honest criminals shred the right papers with no warning, I ask you?
This is material for Ward Just, Allen Drury, or one of the other writers of big DC novels. Or even Henry Adams.
If, as I suspect, Manafort has refused the overtures to flip on the folks in the Trump Administration, and on his friends in the East, could he be so arrogant as to thing traipsing up to Capitol Hill was going to get him off the hook and he needn't bother destroying the incriminating documents?
On the other hand, the FBI could very well have everything they need to take him to court.
Speaking of which, I am sure this is completely unrelated.http://talkingpointsmemo.co...
If Manafort waited until NOW to start destroying evidence, he's far too stupid for anyone to help him.
I'm not sure how deeply involved Pence is with Russia. He certainly told falsehoods, but he may have been just a good little parrot repeating what he was told. That makes him too dumb to be President, but dumb is not an impeachable offense. (We should consider adding that to the list, though.)
Ryan is pretty good at weaseling out of things, so he may also be okay.
But the 2016 voters showed that they want something different (okay, so they went a little too different). After the failure of both Trump and the Repub Congress to get anything accomplished, no establishment type may do well with the Repub base. Maybe we'll get Duck Dynasty next time.
If the Boy Scouts have any sense they won't invite whoever is President next year.
Let alone flush their drugs. And yes, our 'straight-arrow' Repubs do partake. They just don't go to jail for it.
Perhaps. But he might need the evidence to make a deal. I suspect they have enough on him that a little shredding won't make his problems go away.
If he has any sense he will have the evidence well hidden.
I wonder if he'd need a warrant for the White House. It is public property. I suppose the residence part is private.
I agree, but that may mean the person who kept the best records gets the best deal.
Given that Russia wants to cause chaos in the Western world, these guys are currently their best buddies.
all day in my head has been nirvana.
it is good.