Lie. And I always tell the truth.

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I would normally never link to any article that has a pic of That Orange Bastard, but he just did an interview when he was pressed on the Big Lie - I swear I think he believes it.

Oh, and he couldn't last 15 minutes and hung up the call.


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Windmill cancer

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For several months I've been forcing myself to switch tee vee over to see if Tucker Carlson is still alive. I've now decided to edit my Tucker Time down to zero minutes and I feel better already.

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I am right there with you, Pub -- age 73, long-time smoker, no dependents. The thought of being expendable sucks, but here I am.

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"Those people"? Try being specific. Thanks.

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It sounds like even with four comorbidities your chances of dying are less than a perfectly healthy person if you are vaccinated. This study does not appear to include having a booster, which further decreases your odds of dying. So that is pretty good, being in very poor health but still having a greater chance of surviving Covid than a healthy unvaccinated person.

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"Lie to me, baby.... I have no use for the truth."

This about sums it up.


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So ABC edited a clip badly. have they apologized? Because it seems they really distorted Walensky's message.

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Can we just kill off weak minds? How about gypsies? "Useless eaters?"

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Mitt = LDS. Need more?

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Of course he believes it. He failed upward all the way to the presidency. You think he's going to acknowledge, even to himself, that it was mostly because of Putin's interference and not his own big manly braininess? Trump can't lose because he never really as what with all those rich mafia types needing to launder their money somewhere.

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I'm pretty sure that if FOX replaced it's anti-vax line up with an equally bombastic pro-vax line up, it's viewers would barely notice the difference and become super pro-vax.

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Yeah, I don't see how the edited version really saved that much time.

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I'm 80% sure my son's orchaestra substitute was the school resource officer. Our school should have stayed virtual but the administration bowed to some very vocal, very angry parents.

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