Actually, maybe this time the MSM will pay attention to the spontaneous protests. They ignored the over 1000 that happened the day after Butterbeans was fired.

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bless. this shit is IMPORTANT.

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There really is nothing funnier than a society that invests its future in a government milquetoast functionary like Rod Rosenstein.

Except, perhaps, for the hanging it around the neck of another government functionary named Robert Mueller.

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You guys, RBG has missed oral arguments for the third day in a row, and I'm really worried.

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He probably wants to watch it hit the fan from a safe distance.

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Does he have a daughter named Milly?

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Who decides when Mueller's job is finished?

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Unless a new generation of Cheneys is hiding in the wings.

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Bingo. Trump made him famous as a straight shooter. Time to cash in.

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Maybe, if you know him already. What I'm familiar with is the nod that indicates recognition, but not rude intrusiveness. Some people, on the other hand, like Divine (from what I've heard, never having been fortunate enough to run into him), didn't mind being approached on the street. Still, better not to risk it, especially if it's a major celebrity. That kind of rudeness is very New York. We look down on it..

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I loved living in Providence - it was the only place I'd ever been that was so much like Baltimore, but with more Mafia. I felt really comfortable there.

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We* jealously treasure our national celebrities almost as much as we snobbishly revere our local heroes more than any piddling national figure from outside. John Waters is Baltimore's Pablo Picasso, and I have a strong suspicion that he's more appreciated here than Picasso is. Of course, Brooksie, Frank and Boog are more appreciated here than Picasso. Heck, I'd bet more people know who Mark Belanger is than know who Picasso was. After all, Picasso was a butcher in the field, and couldn't hit a lick.

*Me and a few people I know.

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Trump and his dirty crew tricked Rod Rosenstein into putting his name on a silly letter that "justified" firing James Comey. When that came to light Rod got a very important lesson...Trump will back over you with his treason truck any chance he has.

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Trump will get his third selection on the SCOTUS. Thanks Trump voters.

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Spare the Rod, spoil the Trump toddler.

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Yeah, and it'll be Judge Judy or Jeanine Pirro.

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