Thank FSM we have Evan. If I couldn't laugh about this shit, I'd be suicidal

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Gowdy Doody is, of course, a doofus of the highest magnitude, but in that particular video clip, he's not wrong. Hypocritical, yes. Wrong? No.

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Trey Gowdy in the corner looking like Draco Malfoy.

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I do so love Rod Rosenstein's comments back and his willingness to not be cowed by these morons who can't even speak without looking at Pravda's notes they were given by Fox.

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Jordan's a small part of the new vaudeville.

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Really? It's been so long since I've seen the classics. I wonder if I have it totally wrong, or if Richard stole the line, Anyway, I'll settle for Chico Marx having another few days of immortality. I am sure that Jim Jordan would personally disapprove of the Marx brothers, too.

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Point well taken. He received his JD from Capital University, so he can claim some training. Interestingly, he failed the Bar Exam twice. Moral of the story is that eventually your expertise is exposed. He couldn't pass an objective test and reveals his ignorance in Congress.

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It may be that Brown has a groundswell in the northern part of the district, but farther south I get the sense that he is still golden. Lima is controlled by the republicans with the exception of the mayor's office, south of Lima you start to get into his wheelhouse as I have heard that the 4th district has been in the hands of R's for all but like twenty years since the Civil War. He's an embarrassment and has demonstrated it openly on the air, but you know how these things go. Homeboy, claims Jesus, and even when the agricultural community gets pummeled by republican policy they can't bring themselves to pull the trigger for someone who might actually care. Grandpa told them that dems are bad once in a bar.

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Marx Brothers, actually. Duck Soup: Cicolini impersonating Rufus T.Firefly (Groucho).1933.:)

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Best copy, Evan.Congratyou layshuns.stilll, "7th grade goatschoool flunky libelz!". Dang!

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Wow. What a piece of shit this moron Jordan is!

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With a rusty garden weasel. Votes optional.

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The utter gall of Gowdy just leaves me shaking my head in wonder, once again reminded not to ever think there are limits to the nerve of a shameless asshat like him.

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Jordan is a MORON. Who you gonna believe, Jordan: Fox News or Rosenstein? Jordan should be tossed out of office. Repeatedly he says, "I'm thinkin' that the House is gonna say somethin' else." Lovely that this idiot can prognosticate. "Who we supposed to believe? You hidin' evidence." F*CK JORDAN.

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Really, "who are you gonna believe, your good Republican and foreign asset friends or you lying eyes." Who knew that a bleached hick from the mid west would be the one to give Richard Pryor another few days of immortality?

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