Fat, ugly old men like him and Trump can buy or leverage young women into sex and then convince their narcissistic selves that it's really because of their sexual prowess and good looks. Trump has actually said he did well in the primaries because he's so handsome. He truly believes he's handsome. (IMO he never was, not even when he was young, but now he's nothing near. And it's not like he has personality to make up for it.)

Appearance is normally a no-go for me in discussions, but Trump has no problem calling women fat, ugly pigs, and assigning them worth based on their looks so I think he's fair game.

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I tend to think most are "GOP for Pay", meaning it's a job and if they were on a different network they'd be neutral or tilted a different way. Hannity, O'Reilly, they believe that shit, but I think the others probably don't.

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In a way, that's worse if they don't believe it, because that means they're just straight up whores (Shep Smith, I'm looking at YOU!).

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He has a middle name..... "The"

Roger The Ailes

"Ailes, who brought her onto his staff, and told her he would make her a “model or a newscaster,” if only she would make intercourse upon his penis."

This explains so very much about what I've witnessed over the years on Fox News. 100 short-skirted spokesmodels reading news copy behind glass tables doesn't just HAPPEN, people.

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I dumped a guy who didn't even try to kiss me until the 4th date (and then with a quick peck only), because when he finally DID kiss me for real it was with a permanently stiffly poked out tongue. It was the oddest and most annoying thing I've experienced in my limited dating experience. There was no repairing THAT situation. Looking back, I also realized he never made me laugh, which should have been a red flag before the kissing ever entered into the equation. Luckily I soon found a guy who can easily act as juvenile as I can and we laugh all the time.

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Whut are ULIBS on about, this wholesome manly activity dates way back to the good old days of when Ailes did lie with this woman and that woman and lo, he saw a young maiden and tooketh the damsel, and did dress her up in YUGELY high heels, and he did maketh her dress snug and short, and giveth her legs in front of the glass table, whereon did all the males grin and giveth forth all wis-dumb hereafter. This is what made Amurka grate.

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Gives "Acorn Pimp" a different meaning.

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A straight man invented that.


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if you need any more enticement to do that, here is the most disgusting paragraph in the entire article You know us well, don't you?

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If you don't get it now, you are a precious innocent AND DON'T YOU EVER CHANGE!

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ask the boy bands that were owned by lou perlman (N'sync, backstreet boys, Otown,etc.) straight boys that give a little head to get a little ahead usually don't want to spill the beans cause the taint of the ghey is bad for business in the boy band biz. I would tell you to ask lou perlman himself but he just died last week, in jail.

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Oh, laughing is as important as any of it!

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This isn't being a pervert, which can be enjoyable, if, as pointed out consenting partner. This is being predatory, which is Not Good.

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Brillo, also too.

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A cow didn't do it. We aren't cow-fuckers up here. We leave that to the Texans and Oklahomans. Though there was that one weird time that a man was caught sexing up a cow at the Lincoln Park Zoo.

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Lawsuit - it's good for what Ailes ya.

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