Reason #1200 why I hate this world: Co-workers bitching about how Rice's suspension is going to fuck up their fantasy football.

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As long as Rick has his potato and is very very sorry, everything will be ok.

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Unfortunately, that <em>is</em> his job - to ally with whatever faction of the owners will allow him to keep his job, and to keep them rolling in dough. After all, the only people who have a say as to who the Commissioner will be are those 32 owners.

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<em>We did not know what led up to that. We did not know the details of that.</em>

You didn't need the tape. You had the police report. You had the grand jury indictment (which, after the grand jury viewed the tape, <em>increased</em> the charges against Ray Rice to aggravated assault and dismissed any charges against Janay Rice). You had their statements.

You have investigators and an enforcement arm that rivals some city police departments. Your drug testing program can reach players anywhere in the world and demand they produce a sample upon request. And yet you or your people couldn't read two documents that told you everything you needed to know to make the right decision?

Are you really "Protecting the Shield", Roger, or are you hiding behind it?

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What part of "indefinite" did we not understand?

Look, if big strong men can't hit their women when they deserve it, the next thing you know construction workers and United States Senators won't be able to make random comments about any woman's appearance.

And if that were to happen, women might begin to get the idea that they're <i>not</i> property. And we can't have that.

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Who hasn't taped over something important? Just think how bad Rosemary felt deleting the tape of Nixon playing with puppies.

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Hey, Roger. Next time you want to cover something up, tell your people <a href="http:\/\/espn.go.com\/nfl\/story\/_\/id\/11503851\/ray-rice-videotape-sent-nfl-executive-april" target="_blank">not to leave incriminating messages on law enforcement's voicemail</a>.

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