for that matter, mountebank has an unsuitably benign connotation; it is not the same as a confidence crook, an extortionist, or any other of the foul shapes this thug has assumed over the years as Satan's minion on earth.
Bugs' Canadian daughter just said the same thing. You can read the interview right here. And believe me, she's pissed off too. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...
I think that's fair.
I know. His picture should be in the dictionary under the definition of corrupt crook.
White gloves, and a walking stick with silver doorknob handle.
make Batman come alive!
Segregationist too.
I'm sure Stone meant the comments about Jared as a metaphor....we'll verbally beat the $hit out of him.
and look at how ugly it is
I apologize for misspelling faeces.
With votes?
for that matter, mountebank has an unsuitably benign connotation; it is not the same as a confidence crook, an extortionist, or any other of the foul shapes this thug has assumed over the years as Satan's minion on earth.
Ta, Gary. As Bugs Bunny said, what a maroon!
Republicans: “Bag of rat dicks for president!”
Stupid is as stupid does.
She isnt biodegradable
Bugs' Canadian daughter just said the same thing. You can read the interview right here. And believe me, she's pissed off too. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...