You mean like Reagan's pardons in Iran/Contra?

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It is now

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Oh, they believe - something - but what they believe is not Christianity as I understand it.

But I suppose the operative word is "understand."

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with heel taps and steel caps

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it may look funny but those claws can separate muscle from bone - and a kick from the back legs can disembowel (my granddad lost a dog that way)

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I love that idea so much I want to marry it.

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It's so comforting sharing this world with people who are one crisis of faith away from a homicidal rampage.

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They put raptor in the rapture.

Frigging dark-ages dinosaurs.

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The way Bannon presents himself is disrespectful to unhomed people, who actually try.

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Oh they were PISSED at him for fucking around in the Alabama election that gave us Doug Jones for an all-too-brief time.

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I think that might have been Rog's own account. :) You can see a pic of the outfit and read the backstory at this link.

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Well said.

There is also my deep suspicion I carry for people who do the right thing so they don't go to hell. I am also moved to be a 'moral' person, but not for some dubious heavenly reward.

I do the right thing, even when 'no one' is looking because I need that to live with myself. In contrast, I look at these all these catholic priests, or mega-church pastors, and I am convinced they don't actually believe. Jerry Falwell Jr. and his fortune. The 100 billion in the secret Morman temple bank accounts. They extract deep tithes from poor families, but they don't give back to the community, not even their own followers. If we are all going to be raptured, why not use all the money for good?

I don't want to know what these RWNJ extremists are capable of when 'no one' is looking, but I get the feeling they aren't too worried about what their all-powerful, all-knowing deity thinks..

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Watching all these conservatives going after each other makes me think there's a party game in all this. Something with a pile of money on the table, and a large dose of screw your neighbor. Then I realized I was thinking of this:


All it would take is a minor reskin (Republican figures for the criminals, conservative "news" microphones for the guns) and you're good to go.

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"He's a grifter – a fat ugly inarticulate poorly groomed alcoholic with delusions of grandeur."

Guess even an egomaniacal asshole with a tattoo of Nixon's face on his back is occasionally right about something. Grift recognizes grift, after all.

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The funniest thing I ever saw was that the guy who did the Atlanta Olympics bombing is in the same prison as the Unabomber, and has written his own manifesto, which the Unabomber refuses to read.

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