I don't think they care as long as they get paid.

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I think not. Some of the Mouths of Sauron may, but most Trumpers don't give a fuck about Stone.

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Stone: Well, first the Fairy Princess came into my bedroom, and she said...

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Could be a good insanity plea for both.

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Eww. Thanks, $5F.

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He's probably not wrong. He'll go to Wypipo jail and be kept away from the riff raff. He doesn't think he'll get convicted but he's sure Trump will pardon him under the worst case scenario. He's probably reading this relatively correctly.

But I have no faith in the justice system as it applies to any POC or any Wealthy or White man. You can guess the treatment of either and be relatively sure to be correct

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But I would not feel so all aloneJudge and jury must get Stone-apologies to Bob Dylan

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Yeah but shit head has a legal fund going. That makes you wonder how well these guys will be paid.

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Does he look more like Spy vs. Spy, or a skinny Truman Capote?

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$20 of red lentils + curry paste over rice goes a loooooonnng way. it went even further in the late 1990s during the first Great Internet StartUp Fraud Collapse, which might just be the context of this story.

Of course I await more accurate accounting from ellison, but I find a $20 meal for 12 realistic, if not exactly feast-worthy.

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Prison rape jokes are not welcome here.

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A Cletus and his money are soon parted."

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That's exactly when and what it was (1999; lentil and sweet potato stew)! $20 even went far enough for crusty bread, though I seem to remember the cashier gave me some of the bread for free when he saw how many pennies I was paying with. Our guests knew they weren't getting turkey, but none of us could afford to fly home, and at that point only a few of us still had our cars.

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Trump will want to know how her tits turned out.

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Doctor Strangelove

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