however, i refuse to believe mitt romney was responsible for anyone's orgasm.


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I believe that was 41's wife. 43's mom.

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Salmon P. Chase. (the inventor of p?)

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Strap on?

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Primer Orange, ain't it?

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Well, Al Gore tried to claim it, but we all know Mitt invented the internet.

When are you planning on thanking him for Facebook?

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Yes, he's just like you and me. He doesn't just like firing people, he thinks firing people is <em>hilarious</em>.

I almost wet myself every time I here jokes about destroying the lives of entire families that were already on the edge. I mean, if that isn't a thigh-slapping good time, what is?

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I just hope his perpetual motion machine is finished soon.

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"Pressed to reveal the lighter side of Mitt Romney"

<i>lighter</i> than stiff white Mormon!?

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Just how stupid and/or racist are the crazy 27%, to continue backing a Mittbot so fundamentally opposed to facts?

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If I were "Eric Fehrnstrom" I would be spending my free time figuring out a new last name.

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When you can make the numbers work, DIP financing makes a great deal of sense because the lender elbows its way to the head of the line, ahead of all other creditors.

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The OTHER maids?

Often maid?

Seldom maid?


Maid in the shade?

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Nine out of ten doctors who preferred Camels have gone back to women.

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I invented Mitt Romney. Pull my finger and I'll do it again.

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Well, he did follow Mitt's advice on the health insurance mandate.

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