Craven ?

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Can she really think this pearl-clutching plays with anyone other than the crazy 27% ?

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i had to rewatch this again just because i do love me some gaffey joe.

thanks mom! keep em coming!

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<blockquote>...and demonstrate yet again that the Obama Campaign will say and do anything to win this election.</blockquote>

That just reeks of Rove's clammy tendrils.

I'd shout "projection!" again, but the difference seems to be that the Rmoney gets all wounded when there's even a whiff of truth in what's been said.

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Chains? Like Staples, Domino's, and Godfather's Pizza?

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For a good five years we'd had to listen to every possible lie about Mr. Obama - he wasn't born here, he's different, he's foreign, he's a Muslin, he hates American and successful people, he doesn't like yellow mustard, he can't throw a baseball, he's checking out babes from South America, he pal'd around with terrorists, he's a socialist/Marxist/communist, until thinking people are ready to throw up.

But now there's going to be an election and we're in the middle of a campaign so all of a sudden the Republicans discover civility and need for polite discourse.

Yeh, right...

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i came back specifically to warn you that rand paul is never going away and he doesn't get any better.

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I read that as 'lose her shirt'. I must need to see moar boobiez.

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(really? you think they'll bail?)

i think ryan may be ok-ish. he's been in congress for what? 14 years? he's not a novice like palin.

romney is such a wild card. he had just terrible primary debates but also some better ones. i just hope john kerry has bamz well prepared.

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Rhetoric the Repubicans find acceptable:

"Obama lies, freedom dies" -- Sarah Palin about Obamacare. Chains for everyone!

"Obama has blood on his hands" -- Reince Preibus about adjustments to the reimbursement schedules for Medicare. But now we can say the same thing about food stampt cuts ("Ryan has blood on his hands") or no-exemption abortion laws ("Ryan has blood on his hands") or needless war with Iraq ("Dubya has blood on his hands").

"There’s only one president that I know of in history that robbed Medicare ... " Mitt Romney describing a democratically enacted law.

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Demand an apology? For THAT?!

Wow, the complete and utter wussification of the GOP is underway...

(Double down, Joe!)

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and as i said on an earlier thread, you don't spend over 30 years in the senate without acquiring some debating skills.

well, unless you're rand paul.

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man damn these people are little girley men.

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Which one of the Beatles is his fave, whether he likes Miley's new haircut...

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Biden should agree if it means we never hear from Chain-y again.

Worked better in my mind than in print, sorry.

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Umm... these people DO understand what goes on during campaigns, don't they?

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