(r)Money is like a guy meeting his girl friend's parents for the first time.

Realizing his zipper is at half-mast, he vaguely waves at the picture window with "Hey, look!"

Then he glances up and two dogs are on the front lawn humping like rapid weasels.

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The GNoP is completely un self-aware. Every issue with Mr. Obama is "Worse Than Watergate." They claimed he had an Enemies List - just like President Nixon.

Next thing ya know, they'll be whining he didn't increase the deficit 275%, like President Reagan.

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This is a replay of Mr. Obama's race for the Senate in Illinois. After the Republican dropped out, the GNoP brought in Alan Keyes. Hey - they got a Black guy, we'll get a Black guy!

Now, it's "Black GUY? We got a Black chick."

If Condi can't fire up the GNoP base, what will?

PS: What does it say about (r)Money's campaign that they think you shouldn't save the Hail Mary for the end of the 4th Quarter? It's barely the end of the first half...

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Romney determined to scuttle presidential campaign with mammothly bad choices.

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Yeah, that'll keep the wolves from the door.

Nice <a href="https:\/\/twitter.com\/joshtpm\/status\/223756769627865088" target="_blank">tweet by Josh Marshall</a> today, btw:

<blockquote>W/all coming out now about Romney, u'd think his only opponents in primaries were a serial philanderer, a guy w/aphasia and Rick Santorum</blockquote>

I'm somewhat amused by the fact that the Rmoney campaign's decided that instead of admitting "OK I shipped jobs overseas and then lied to cover that up" it's better to go with the line that "Sure, I was CEO, President, Chairman and 100% owner of my company, from which I drew a 6-figure salary <em>in addition to</em> taking investment returns, but I wasn't responsible for anything that happened there". As <a href="http:\/\/maddowblog.msnbc.msn.com\/_news\/2012\/07\/13\/12720853-the-testimony-romney-prefers-to-forget" target="_blank">Steve Benen notes</a>, that might not play too well with your average middle class, middle American voter.

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"but I wasn't responsible for anything that happened there".

Hell, he's got Reagan Legacy written all over him. Didn't most of the St. Ronnie white house get stuff done while Ron was asleep?

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is romney email guy the same guy tweeting the shit out of jim messina?

i'm not sure they really have figured out social media yet.

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Is that a Sacagawea dollar in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?

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and smells

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is the bain story really getting traction? are they in trouble?

(no snark, i've been in a production bubble for the last few days.)

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The real danger in the Bain story isn't really the fetuses or the outsourcing, those would like be forgotten by election day. The real danger is it could finally persuade the MSM to use the word "lie" in connection with Mitt Romney, which given that Steve Benen has a nicely indexed and sourced collection of literally hundreds lies Romney has told this campaign, would be a fatal narrative if it caught on.

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Or Arroz.

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it has to be said if you are shallow like me that condi has fab shoes.

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"Look over there!" is my prime technique for taking the last asparagus spear before my husband can get it. Who knew it was so versatile? Warning to Romney: the victim catches on pretty quickly.

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I can't help thinking that someone's going to get a porn flick out of this.

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