having a bad day are we?

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today we all wander the East Wing hallways muttering about enemies and Jews.

and sometimes ts eliot.

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NAH, Washington DCers just need to start using their full name. It is just another example of the bubble DCers have been in since - hell since forever nearly. We over here had to start adding "state" to our name out of frustrated necessity.

Just sayin.

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Here in NH it's "live free or die" all the live-long day but you still have to buy your liquor from the gubmint.

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Heh, I had a #2 in my undisclosed location.

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Wait ... a bunch of Romnoids told people to hop on this bus, to be taken to an undisclosed location ... and they went????

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I envy ye Washingtonians. We here in Texas must purchase fine bourbon from a purveyor whose only business is the storage and sale of distilled spirits. I find it fascinating that when I make business trips to San Diego that I can go to a store named Ralph and purchase soup, eggs, bacon and whiskey at the same establishment. Liquor laws are pretty stupid and varied across America.

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Careful. This whole buy booze in grocery stores thing here has done some jerb killing. So it must be with appropriate humility that we exercise our new found ease of booze buying.

But still and all ... if you notice a 6 ft, 14 stone, 50ish redhead guy in a grocery store, silently weeping with joy and awe while slowly panning the newly stocked entire aisle of booze, that'll be me.


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I just saw my first Romney yard sign down here in south Austin today. It's very pretty and very American but upon closer examination, it appears that it was printed in China. I can't wait to watch the quality of teevee ads that $700 million will buy between now and November. Oh, and I'm sure the robo-calls will be equally entertaining and informative.

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<i>Well, he’s only the president of the United States,” the adviser replied. “I mean, they could work with town officials to deny us access</i>

The mind of a a Romney-ite is an amazing thing. It works as if one was to stick the Official Neocon Dictionary in a shredder and then paste up random strips of paper until one ran out of mucilage. Word salad doesn’t even *begin* to describe it.

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If Romney is elected, get ready for a four-year replay of "if you criticize the President, you are only helping the terrorists and the enemies of America."

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Any time you see a Romney for President sign or sticker please write 'Hugh' in front of Romney. Hugh Romney, aka Wavy Gravy.

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Mr Awkward does not like Mr. Heckler. Mr. Heckler is going to lose his job.

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I sure hope Ahmadinejad and Putin have only kind words for Mitt. I'd hate for him to wet his magic underwear.

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