<blockquote>When the dust settled, Mitt’s lobbying effort brought over $1.5 Billion to the SLC Games. In 2000 the GAO did an audit of US taxpayer support for Olympic Games in the country. Taxpayers spent $74,654,000 for the LA Games in 1984; and $608,512,000 for the 1996 in Atlanta. These were both summer Olympics and so you would expect them to cost more. But, the 2002 Winter Games in SLC blew the doors off the Treasury—taxpayers paid $1.5 Billion to bail out Mitt.</blockquote>

<a href="http:\/\/www.balloon-juice.com\/2012\/07\/18\/how-mitt-saved-the-olympics\/" target="_blank">linky</a>

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Welcome. Abandon Hope, etc.

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i am catching up on old wonkette (backwards of course) from the land of my mother's people in canada and man damn soros, you were prescient.

if i was a job creator, i would hire you on the spot.

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I believe that's a Diet Pepsi bottle (have you seen the You-Tube video of the cameraguy getting the bottle right in the kisser?) - but I certainly get the idea.

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I still think Mr. Huntsman was the best candidate the GNoP had. His trouble was, he's just too good for them. They don't deserve nice candidates.

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Well, but that's because of the fudge, no?

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Mitt's seams are showing.

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The Republicans have gone from quoting polls to "Well, I've seen the 'internals' and they show Romney is in the lead" to "Polls? Who needs stinkin' polls? Ya want polls, go to Poland."

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I believe I posted a similar thought here on Wonkette. The GNoP has gone from Sen. McCain in 2008 to the guy who couldn't beat Sen. McCain in 2012.

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"A Christmas Story."

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Now that we have a 30 year head start on the mud slinging how about we just call it even and agree not to do it any more?

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Bain sold them off to the Chinese

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Phyllis or Andrew?

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Please everyone: Mittens is doing GREAT!

And the Koch Bros, Murdoch, and all those bazillionaire friends should dump their entire fortune$$$ on electing him. 'Cause, you know, he's clearly such a winner and stuff. Really.

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funny how bullies cry the loudest the moment one of their victims hits back...

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