Survivor: Philanderer Survivor: Magic Underwear Survivor: Sucking Satan's Cock Survivor: Where the fuck did you people come from!?

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Not at all. He counseled to them to place their money in off-shore accounts on Malta and Cyprus. Free market Jesus FTW!

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I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think this comment is going to get much traction. Walking through the world of bloody bullnecked me-monkeys as I do, I get the impression that a. even they may be poor, most people think they're not, and b. most people don't give a fuck about the poor anyway.

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For reals??? That would be a great sound bite.

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ok...they'd have to skullfuck Marcus while sucking on satan's cock while stabbing a tiara'd toddler through the heart.

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And speaking of unmitigated douchebags, I was listening to Newt this morning and while I know it was just a sound bite, but that fucker sounded positively socialistic.

What the hell... these guys would suck satan's cock on live tv while simultaneously stabbing a Tiara Toddler through the heart if they thought it would get them elected.

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