Fuck me. I go for a six pack/bucket of chicken and the Wonkette orgasms all over my internet window.

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With Mitt there are so many known unknowns: we know we don't know which tax deductions he'll eliminate, we know we don't know how badly he'll blow up the deficit, we know we don't know what his health policy will be, we know we don't know what his immigration policy will be, we know we don't know how quickly he'll have us in a shooting war with Iran, we know we don't know what's in his damn tax returns.

And if you think all <em>that's</em> scary, just ask yourself, what don't we know we don't know about Mitt?

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Was waiting for Mitt to give Iran a 'time out." Also to promise ALL of our money to Israel.

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What - no endorsement from Pol Pot?

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Same guy who decided priests had to be celibate, after a mere thousand years of letting them be normal human beings. One of history's "10 Most Fun-Loving Leaders."

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She took the Grover Norquist Challenge!

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He forgot to mention mounting Phalanx guns on embassy walls so we can mow down protestors at a rate of 4,500 rounds per minute.

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Does lip service count?

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<i>...respect the rights of all of their citizens, including women and minorities … to ensure space for civil society, a free media, political parties, and an independent judiciary,” </i> So the Republicunt's vision of America would not be eligible for foreign aid from themselves? I has a confuze...

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Well, I'm very pleased to know he's gonna send aid to countries that "respect the rights of all of their citizens, including women and minorities … to ensure space for civil society, a free media, political parties, and an independent judiciary."

Because I'm probably going to want to move to one of them, if the Republicans get their way in this country.

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Mitt's "new" foreign policy is that the guy doing all the same things we're already doing will be <em>white</em>.

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Which service will any of your five sons be joining?

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It's the Republican plan to defund the US government, wrapped up in a foreign affairs bow.

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